Unlucky For Some?
Yes, Friday 13th! Not a very good day normally for yours truly. Now, I'm not unduly superstitious, but I have had my share of really bad luck on this date over the years. Like when I was a child. I cycled with some mates to the local town (one of them needed a haircut!), completely forgetting that I had to go to my aunt's for tea as I my mother was off somewhere with my younger brother! Well, we got delayed and it had got dark when we returned to our bikes. No lights meant a hairy ride back up to our village, with cars zooming past just millimetres away, (but don't tell my Mum!!). I was still at junior school at the time, so you can imagine it was a bit scary. Luckily cars were not so frequent on our country roads then as they are now. Unluckily I was late getting to my aunt's and I got torn off a strip for it too!
Then a couple of years ago - Friday 13th again - I was chauferring my parents around for a few days whilst they were spending a few days down here in East Devon, when we decided to stop for lunch at a cafe in Honiton. I duly proceded to consume a hearty plateful of ham, eggs, chips and peas. I eventually arrived home late afternoon to hear of a Stone Curlew on the Axe Estuary near Seaton. As I had never seen one in Devon before, I went for it! I got reasonable views of it before it disappeared, never to be seen again. So, where the's bad luck associated with Friday 13th, I hear you asking yourself? Well, that evening I was very very ill! I had obviously had a very dodgy meal in that Honiton cafe. (Subsequent tests by the good doctor revealed I had succombed to severe food-poisoning!). So I paid for more Stone Curlew! I managed to lose a stone and a half over the next 10 days - not a recommended way of losing weight!
So, what of today? I first trundled down to Mudbank Lane, where due to the high tide, a large number of wildfowl were present, in fact the first large gathering of wildfowl for some time. Hordes of Wigeon were present, a little way out from the railway line, as were quite a few Shelduck and a very vocal lone Dark-bellied Brent Goose. Scanning through, the flock I discovered a drake Common Teal and a female Shoveler lurking within the masses. However, there was nothing else of note to be found at this site.
Later on, I trudged across from Knowle Hill, across the edge of Budleigh golf course and back into my patch, just east of Straight Point and Sandy Bay caravan park. On the sea here I found a small party of 7 Great Crested Grebes and a Red-throated Diver. A single adult Gannet passed offshore. I looked down on to the landslip and spotted a Fox, curled up asleep below me! However, I didn't see anything else of interest. I then trudged back to the car.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Thursday 12th February 2009
Another Patch Yeartick
A quiet stroll along the cycle track at Mudbank Lane was the order of the day, or should I say lunchtime! The usual scene greeted me as I alighted from the car - several Shelduck, lots of Redshank, Curlew, Oystercatchers and a few each of Grey Plover, Dunlin, Little Egrets and of course, a multitude of gulls. I wandered along as far as West Lodge, where upon I found another local patch yeartick in the form of a Common Snipe, resting on the edge of the reedy pool. This pool always looks like it could produce something interesting, but I have yet to see anything unusual here. I think that the disturbance from the adjoining cycle track probably has something to do with it, but there again, on quiet days like today (hence Common Snipe) I'm sure if I keep plugging it, other birds will appear. It has the potential of being a nice little (with the emphasis on little) reserve. If it was screened off from the cycle track and a walkway put in along the side to a viewing screen............I'm getting carried away here!
I had a look out over the estuary from adjacent to West Lodge and was pleased to find a Great Crested Grebe and a female Goldeneye offshore. A Green Woodpecker called from the trees behind me. I then found a tiny group of 7 Knot shuffling around out on the tideline.
Having another look at the Common Snipe, I returned to the car, and thence work.
A quiet stroll along the cycle track at Mudbank Lane was the order of the day, or should I say lunchtime! The usual scene greeted me as I alighted from the car - several Shelduck, lots of Redshank, Curlew, Oystercatchers and a few each of Grey Plover, Dunlin, Little Egrets and of course, a multitude of gulls. I wandered along as far as West Lodge, where upon I found another local patch yeartick in the form of a Common Snipe, resting on the edge of the reedy pool. This pool always looks like it could produce something interesting, but I have yet to see anything unusual here. I think that the disturbance from the adjoining cycle track probably has something to do with it, but there again, on quiet days like today (hence Common Snipe) I'm sure if I keep plugging it, other birds will appear. It has the potential of being a nice little (with the emphasis on little) reserve. If it was screened off from the cycle track and a walkway put in along the side to a viewing screen............I'm getting carried away here!
I had a look out over the estuary from adjacent to West Lodge and was pleased to find a Great Crested Grebe and a female Goldeneye offshore. A Green Woodpecker called from the trees behind me. I then found a tiny group of 7 Knot shuffling around out on the tideline.
Having another look at the Common Snipe, I returned to the car, and thence work.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Wednesday 11th March 2009
Yes, it does sound like some hippy-fest does it not? However, Bystock Reserve, at the top end of Exmouth parish, is apart from being laid-back and incredibly peaceful (grab some flowers man!), a truly marvellous little reserve. It has a little lake, with some very large Coy Carp, surrounded by pines, a number of tiny ponds, (good for frogspawn and dragonflies), a large grass meadow (ideal for butterflies), a bog, a deciduous wood, and can be very wet underfoot, hence the raised boardwalks and steps in places! I decided to pay it another visit lunchtime.
A swift look at the small lake produced a single drake Mallard, an inauspicious start! I bumped into Glenn Vernall, and had a quick chat about what he'd seen. We disussed the paucity of Siskins in the area this winter, but Glenn indicated he'd had one fly over calling earlier. A Green Woodpecker flew past us, calling. I carried on up the path and Glenn left towards his scooter. About 2 minutes later, I had a Siskin fly over calling! This was a patch year tick. I strolled on up to the top end of the reserve, into the deciduous wood. I was soon watching a vocal Nuthatch, in a beech tree above me. A few common species were also seen including 3 tit family members. After getting taken in by the peace and solitude of the place, I soon realised that my daydreaming had made the time march on - got to race back to the car! On the way back down through the reserve, I heard a Raven calling and saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker near the lake. And so, having experienced an hour's worth of "good vibes" it was time to return to work.
Yes, it does sound like some hippy-fest does it not? However, Bystock Reserve, at the top end of Exmouth parish, is apart from being laid-back and incredibly peaceful (grab some flowers man!), a truly marvellous little reserve. It has a little lake, with some very large Coy Carp, surrounded by pines, a number of tiny ponds, (good for frogspawn and dragonflies), a large grass meadow (ideal for butterflies), a bog, a deciduous wood, and can be very wet underfoot, hence the raised boardwalks and steps in places! I decided to pay it another visit lunchtime.
A swift look at the small lake produced a single drake Mallard, an inauspicious start! I bumped into Glenn Vernall, and had a quick chat about what he'd seen. We disussed the paucity of Siskins in the area this winter, but Glenn indicated he'd had one fly over calling earlier. A Green Woodpecker flew past us, calling. I carried on up the path and Glenn left towards his scooter. About 2 minutes later, I had a Siskin fly over calling! This was a patch year tick. I strolled on up to the top end of the reserve, into the deciduous wood. I was soon watching a vocal Nuthatch, in a beech tree above me. A few common species were also seen including 3 tit family members. After getting taken in by the peace and solitude of the place, I soon realised that my daydreaming had made the time march on - got to race back to the car! On the way back down through the reserve, I heard a Raven calling and saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker near the lake. And so, having experienced an hour's worth of "good vibes" it was time to return to work.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Monday 9th February 2009
And I thought it rained enough yesterday!
.........but it was truly awful today. There was a cold easterly wind blowing, and it poured with heavy rain on and off all day. Now, as well as hating being cooped up all day indoors, I also have to get away from work at lunchtimes, otherwise I would go insane! There was only one place to go lunchtime today, given the weather - the hide at Bowling Green Marsh! It was that sort of weather. Anywhere else in Britain if there was a bitter cold wind blowing from the east, and precipitation was great, it would SNOW like the blazes. Not here around the Exe! Yes, we get bitter cold wind, but the salty sea air makes sure that what would cover the country with a thick blanket of snow only falls as RAIN here! This makes it doubly unpleasant. Cold wind and heavy rain - roll on the spring! As I was passing Darts Farm a Sparrowhawk dashed across the road in front of me. I duly arrived at Bowling Green Marsh and kitted up, making the hide my first port of call. The wind was doing its best to blow big spots of rain through the slats into the hide. I had to position one of the benches a little way back from the "windows", set up my 'scope on its tripod and view as best I could. There were a large number of ducks present - Shelduck, Mallard, Teal, Wigeon, Pintail and Shoveler all tried their best to make the day seem a little more colourful. Black-tailed Godwit and Redshank walked across the grass, probing in the very wet ground for food. On the main pool, a Little Grebe, 6 Pochard and a female Goldeneye were diving for their food. A few Dark-bellied Brent Geese were seen. I then decided to brave the elements, as the heavy rain had abated somewhat, leaving just a steady veil of rain. I wandered down to the viewing platform. Here were the obligatory Grey Plover, Curlew and Dunlin. This was more exposed than I would have wished for, so I quickly moved on round to the Goat Walk to view the upper Exe estuary. It was a little more sheltered here from the easterly wind and rain, and plenty of Avocets were feeding right in front of me. I then retraced my steps, seeing a nice flock of House Sparrows in the laneside hedgerow opposite Riversmeet. They may be dwindling in numbers but there always seems to be a regularly little flock here. I got back to the car, quite wet and starting to feel a bit on the chilly side, so headed back to work to warm up!
.........but it was truly awful today. There was a cold easterly wind blowing, and it poured with heavy rain on and off all day. Now, as well as hating being cooped up all day indoors, I also have to get away from work at lunchtimes, otherwise I would go insane! There was only one place to go lunchtime today, given the weather - the hide at Bowling Green Marsh! It was that sort of weather. Anywhere else in Britain if there was a bitter cold wind blowing from the east, and precipitation was great, it would SNOW like the blazes. Not here around the Exe! Yes, we get bitter cold wind, but the salty sea air makes sure that what would cover the country with a thick blanket of snow only falls as RAIN here! This makes it doubly unpleasant. Cold wind and heavy rain - roll on the spring! As I was passing Darts Farm a Sparrowhawk dashed across the road in front of me. I duly arrived at Bowling Green Marsh and kitted up, making the hide my first port of call. The wind was doing its best to blow big spots of rain through the slats into the hide. I had to position one of the benches a little way back from the "windows", set up my 'scope on its tripod and view as best I could. There were a large number of ducks present - Shelduck, Mallard, Teal, Wigeon, Pintail and Shoveler all tried their best to make the day seem a little more colourful. Black-tailed Godwit and Redshank walked across the grass, probing in the very wet ground for food. On the main pool, a Little Grebe, 6 Pochard and a female Goldeneye were diving for their food. A few Dark-bellied Brent Geese were seen. I then decided to brave the elements, as the heavy rain had abated somewhat, leaving just a steady veil of rain. I wandered down to the viewing platform. Here were the obligatory Grey Plover, Curlew and Dunlin. This was more exposed than I would have wished for, so I quickly moved on round to the Goat Walk to view the upper Exe estuary. It was a little more sheltered here from the easterly wind and rain, and plenty of Avocets were feeding right in front of me. I then retraced my steps, seeing a nice flock of House Sparrows in the laneside hedgerow opposite Riversmeet. They may be dwindling in numbers but there always seems to be a regularly little flock here. I got back to the car, quite wet and starting to feel a bit on the chilly side, so headed back to work to warm up!
Sunday 8th February 2009
Out in the Rain
I don't know about you, but I don't like being cooped up indoors for too long! So, when it decided to drizzle/rain lightly all day today, by the afternoon I was champing at the bit to get outside! I zipped down to Mudbank Lane where the tide was gradually rising. I managed to keep my optics fairly dry, but there wasn't a lot to be seen, the resident Greenshank being the highlight. There was acold south-westerly breeze blowing, so the drizzle was catching me in the face! I decided to have a walk around Maer Vale, so I drove up to Douglas Avenue, parked the car and wandered down the footpath to Maer Farm, seeing a few Long-tailed Tits on the way. Here there was a little more in the way of shelter from the rain. I had a Great Spotted Woodpecker by the side of Littleham Brook, in a dead elm, and a small party of Chaffinches brightened up the scenery, especially the males which are now showing bright breeding plumage! However, there no Brambling amongst them, a species I have not caught up with yet this year in Exmouth. I wandered up Maer Lane, then cut down through, recrossing the brook, slithering and sliding in the mud! A Jay flew over, again adding a splash of colour. By now the rain was getting a little more persistent, and I was getting a little damper and colder. Luckily it was time to go and pick up my good lady from work, so I arrived back at Douglas Avenue, packed my (damp) kit in the car, and arrived in good time.
I don't know about you, but I don't like being cooped up indoors for too long! So, when it decided to drizzle/rain lightly all day today, by the afternoon I was champing at the bit to get outside! I zipped down to Mudbank Lane where the tide was gradually rising. I managed to keep my optics fairly dry, but there wasn't a lot to be seen, the resident Greenshank being the highlight. There was acold south-westerly breeze blowing, so the drizzle was catching me in the face! I decided to have a walk around Maer Vale, so I drove up to Douglas Avenue, parked the car and wandered down the footpath to Maer Farm, seeing a few Long-tailed Tits on the way. Here there was a little more in the way of shelter from the rain. I had a Great Spotted Woodpecker by the side of Littleham Brook, in a dead elm, and a small party of Chaffinches brightened up the scenery, especially the males which are now showing bright breeding plumage! However, there no Brambling amongst them, a species I have not caught up with yet this year in Exmouth. I wandered up Maer Lane, then cut down through, recrossing the brook, slithering and sliding in the mud! A Jay flew over, again adding a splash of colour. By now the rain was getting a little more persistent, and I was getting a little damper and colder. Luckily it was time to go and pick up my good lady from work, so I arrived back at Douglas Avenue, packed my (damp) kit in the car, and arrived in good time.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Friday 6th February 2009
Another grey day!
Today was the same as yesterday, grey and overcast. But the northerly wind was colder. I visited Mudbank Lane and the first birds I put my bins on were a Spotted Redshank and a Greenshank! They were feeding in the usual channel mouth just by the railway line. There plenty of the usual waders feeding out on the side of the waterline, with the tide nearly up to the side of the estuary. Also a few Pintail and Wigeon were evident today, whereas the large numbers usually encountered here in the earlier part of winter had moved on up the estuary to find fresher feeding grounds. I wandered along the track to West Lodge, seeing the usual Grey Herons and Little Egrets, and a pair of Buzzards sat on fenceposts. However, there was nothing unusual to be found. I turned round and ambled back again, a single Skylark flying over calling.
Later, I popped up to Bystock Reserve. There was a little ice on the surface of the lake in places, but most of the water was ice-free. A Cormorant was sitting on a partially-sunken log, an unusual species here. I walked up to the top end of the reserve, but the best birds I could find were a pair of Bullfinches and two Green Woodpeckers.
Today was the same as yesterday, grey and overcast. But the northerly wind was colder. I visited Mudbank Lane and the first birds I put my bins on were a Spotted Redshank and a Greenshank! They were feeding in the usual channel mouth just by the railway line. There plenty of the usual waders feeding out on the side of the waterline, with the tide nearly up to the side of the estuary. Also a few Pintail and Wigeon were evident today, whereas the large numbers usually encountered here in the earlier part of winter had moved on up the estuary to find fresher feeding grounds. I wandered along the track to West Lodge, seeing the usual Grey Herons and Little Egrets, and a pair of Buzzards sat on fenceposts. However, there was nothing unusual to be found. I turned round and ambled back again, a single Skylark flying over calling.
Later, I popped up to Bystock Reserve. There was a little ice on the surface of the lake in places, but most of the water was ice-free. A Cormorant was sitting on a partially-sunken log, an unusual species here. I walked up to the top end of the reserve, but the best birds I could find were a pair of Bullfinches and two Green Woodpeckers.
Thursday 5th February 2009
Lunchtime Walk
As my wife had the car today, I spent my lunchtime taking a walk down to Exton, where I had a good look from the station platform, then carried on along Riverside to the railway crossing. It was probably the dullest day imaginable, with low heavy grey cloud which was stationary due to there being no breeze. It was also coldish which added to the depressive feel to things. The tide was right up, so most of the waders seen were just passing over, so to speak. There were 6 Goldeneye dotted about the estuary (there may have been more, but I was restricted to binoculars-only birding today). I noticed in the distance, across the other side of the estuary that something had spooked the waders on Exminster Marshes, and subsequently some of those birds flew over to my side! There plenty of Curlew and Black-tailed Godwits, a few Dunlin and Redshank, and a nice flock of Golden Plover, which wheeled around a couple of times before settling back down again. I reached the railway crossing to be greeted by the call of a Green Woodpecker.
A few Oystercatcher and a couple of Turnstone had passed me whilst walking alongside the estuary, but the best wader was found when I returned to the station platform. Just south of the station, a small pebbly promontary sticks out into the estuary just a few metres. This is used as a high-tide roost by a very small number of waders and usually, a couple of Cormorants, and sometimes the odd Grey Heron or Little Egret. Today however, there was a Whimbrel there walking around! This was my second one this year. There is one overwintering (again) at Budleigh Salterton, and there have been reports of one from Dawlish Warren as well earlier in the year, so maybe this is the Warren bird. It eventually strolled slowly over the pebble ridge and didn't return, so it probably decided to rest there over the high tide. I then returned to work, passing a Grey Wagtail in damp fields alongside the railway line.
As my wife had the car today, I spent my lunchtime taking a walk down to Exton, where I had a good look from the station platform, then carried on along Riverside to the railway crossing. It was probably the dullest day imaginable, with low heavy grey cloud which was stationary due to there being no breeze. It was also coldish which added to the depressive feel to things. The tide was right up, so most of the waders seen were just passing over, so to speak. There were 6 Goldeneye dotted about the estuary (there may have been more, but I was restricted to binoculars-only birding today). I noticed in the distance, across the other side of the estuary that something had spooked the waders on Exminster Marshes, and subsequently some of those birds flew over to my side! There plenty of Curlew and Black-tailed Godwits, a few Dunlin and Redshank, and a nice flock of Golden Plover, which wheeled around a couple of times before settling back down again. I reached the railway crossing to be greeted by the call of a Green Woodpecker.
A few Oystercatcher and a couple of Turnstone had passed me whilst walking alongside the estuary, but the best wader was found when I returned to the station platform. Just south of the station, a small pebbly promontary sticks out into the estuary just a few metres. This is used as a high-tide roost by a very small number of waders and usually, a couple of Cormorants, and sometimes the odd Grey Heron or Little Egret. Today however, there was a Whimbrel there walking around! This was my second one this year. There is one overwintering (again) at Budleigh Salterton, and there have been reports of one from Dawlish Warren as well earlier in the year, so maybe this is the Warren bird. It eventually strolled slowly over the pebble ridge and didn't return, so it probably decided to rest there over the high tide. I then returned to work, passing a Grey Wagtail in damp fields alongside the railway line.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Wednesday 4th February 2009
Slavonian Grebes
After yesterday's mini-glut of patch yearticks, today was a disappointment. I couldn't seem to connect with much at all! I first went to the seafront, where I saw very little. So I visited the Shelly Beach area and watched a few waders fly past, as it was high tide. There were the usual Oystercatchers, Curlews, Turnstone, Dunlin and Redshank, but nothing out of the ordinary. However, whilst I was scanning along by the gaudy appartment blocks, I found 3 Slavonian Grebes swimming along together close in to where I was standing. These continued to perform right in front me, and I enjoyed watching their diving and resurfacing, sometimes right alongside some of the small boats moored in the channel. I decided to have a quick look at Mudbank Lane before returning to work, but again, this threw up few birds.
After yesterday's mini-glut of patch yearticks, today was a disappointment. I couldn't seem to connect with much at all! I first went to the seafront, where I saw very little. So I visited the Shelly Beach area and watched a few waders fly past, as it was high tide. There were the usual Oystercatchers, Curlews, Turnstone, Dunlin and Redshank, but nothing out of the ordinary. However, whilst I was scanning along by the gaudy appartment blocks, I found 3 Slavonian Grebes swimming along together close in to where I was standing. These continued to perform right in front me, and I enjoyed watching their diving and resurfacing, sometimes right alongside some of the small boats moored in the channel. I decided to have a quick look at Mudbank Lane before returning to work, but again, this threw up few birds.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Tuesday 3rd February 2009
A Very Cold Day
As it was cold with snow flurries, and a south-west wind, I decided to search for cold weather-movement birds today. This paid off as I parked up at Foxholes Hill, then strolled along to Orcombe Point and up the coastpath to High Land of Orcombe. Firstly though, I stopped at the point and did a seawatch. In half an hour I had logged 12 Red-throated, and single Black-throated and Great Northern Divers, a Great Crested Grebe (a patch yeartick) and 22 Common Scoter (some of which were sat on the sea). There were about 15 Song Thrushes around the point fields, a sure sign of cold weather-movement, then I found another patch yeartick in the form of a single Lapwing. Better things were to come though as I trudged up the path to the top fields. Last year in this one particular field, I was fortunate enough to add Lapland Bunting, Woodlark and Short-eared Owl to my Exmouth Lifelist. Today I found 75 Golden Plover in the same field, which strangely enough seem to be my first ever on the local patch! As if to make sure I had noticed them, they flew around a few times their lovely golden and brown plumage catching the light as they twisted and turned in flight. Marvellous! Just to add to the general scene, a feeding flock of 50 or so Curlew were present just down the lane. However, I was not done yet and a look in at Maer Farm revealed 4 Red-legged Partridge in the barnyard. These were my first in Exmouth this year, so I did well today for patch yearticks:
Great Crested Grebe, Lapwing, Golden Plover & Red-legged Partridge.
As it was cold with snow flurries, and a south-west wind, I decided to search for cold weather-movement birds today. This paid off as I parked up at Foxholes Hill, then strolled along to Orcombe Point and up the coastpath to High Land of Orcombe. Firstly though, I stopped at the point and did a seawatch. In half an hour I had logged 12 Red-throated, and single Black-throated and Great Northern Divers, a Great Crested Grebe (a patch yeartick) and 22 Common Scoter (some of which were sat on the sea). There were about 15 Song Thrushes around the point fields, a sure sign of cold weather-movement, then I found another patch yeartick in the form of a single Lapwing. Better things were to come though as I trudged up the path to the top fields. Last year in this one particular field, I was fortunate enough to add Lapland Bunting, Woodlark and Short-eared Owl to my Exmouth Lifelist. Today I found 75 Golden Plover in the same field, which strangely enough seem to be my first ever on the local patch! As if to make sure I had noticed them, they flew around a few times their lovely golden and brown plumage catching the light as they twisted and turned in flight. Marvellous! Just to add to the general scene, a feeding flock of 50 or so Curlew were present just down the lane. However, I was not done yet and a look in at Maer Farm revealed 4 Red-legged Partridge in the barnyard. These were my first in Exmouth this year, so I did well today for patch yearticks:
Great Crested Grebe, Lapwing, Golden Plover & Red-legged Partridge.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Monday 2nd February 2009
Local Patch Yeartick
Another cold day today, but with much more sunshine. Lunchtime saw me heading down to Shelly Beach. I did my usual march round the appartment blocks and watched the birds flying past as they left their high tide roosts and zoomed towards their feeding grounds being left exposed as the tide started to drop. Plenty of common waders flew by, the best being a small group of Knot. However, apart from a female Goldeneye, there was nothing of particular interest to note.
I decided to have a look at Mudbank lane, as more mud was becoming exposed , but duck would still be in close to the railway line, making viewing fairly simple. I first concentrated on the duck. A few Pintail and Wigeon were feeding just off the tideline, and 9 Common Teal were with them, not always an easy bird to connect with in Exmouth. My only Teal so far this year on my local patch had been a drake on a tiny tiny pond up at Bystock Reserve. However the best species were 4 (2 pairs) of Shoveler, a local patch yeartick, and one I didn't see at all last year in Exmouth! I then searched through the waders and gulls, but the only bird of note amongst these was the resident Greenshank. Unfortunately I then had to return to work!
Another cold day today, but with much more sunshine. Lunchtime saw me heading down to Shelly Beach. I did my usual march round the appartment blocks and watched the birds flying past as they left their high tide roosts and zoomed towards their feeding grounds being left exposed as the tide started to drop. Plenty of common waders flew by, the best being a small group of Knot. However, apart from a female Goldeneye, there was nothing of particular interest to note.
I decided to have a look at Mudbank lane, as more mud was becoming exposed , but duck would still be in close to the railway line, making viewing fairly simple. I first concentrated on the duck. A few Pintail and Wigeon were feeding just off the tideline, and 9 Common Teal were with them, not always an easy bird to connect with in Exmouth. My only Teal so far this year on my local patch had been a drake on a tiny tiny pond up at Bystock Reserve. However the best species were 4 (2 pairs) of Shoveler, a local patch yeartick, and one I didn't see at all last year in Exmouth! I then searched through the waders and gulls, but the only bird of note amongst these was the resident Greenshank. Unfortunately I then had to return to work!
Sunday 1st February 2009
Biting Cold Sidmouth
Julia and I travelled over to Sidmouth today, but found it very cold with a biting cold south-eaterly wind coming straight in off the sea. I dashed round Connaught gardens, which being on top of the cliff, were more exposed than usual! I peered down on to the sea with watering eyes, and found a pair of Common Scoters diving in the surf, below the cliff. I next got my telescope on one of the rock islands which have been placed there to break up heavy seas and save the seafront from huge batterings. There, stood on the leeward side were 2 Purple Sandpipers, my first of the year. They soon disappeared down between the rocks, obviously sheltering from the elements. I could not find anything else worth mentioning and my eyes were watering so much from the continual blast of very cold wind that I soon retreated back to the car.
Julia and I travelled over to Sidmouth today, but found it very cold with a biting cold south-eaterly wind coming straight in off the sea. I dashed round Connaught gardens, which being on top of the cliff, were more exposed than usual! I peered down on to the sea with watering eyes, and found a pair of Common Scoters diving in the surf, below the cliff. I next got my telescope on one of the rock islands which have been placed there to break up heavy seas and save the seafront from huge batterings. There, stood on the leeward side were 2 Purple Sandpipers, my first of the year. They soon disappeared down between the rocks, obviously sheltering from the elements. I could not find anything else worth mentioning and my eyes were watering so much from the continual blast of very cold wind that I soon retreated back to the car.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Saturday 31st January 2009
Football and birding do go together!
I drove into Exeter this afternoon to see my team, City, play. There was plenty of banter as I had my son and his girlfriend with me. On arrival, I headed for my usual parking spot in Polsloe Road. We were getting kitted up with warm clothing, when I suddenly spotted a strange large bird flying towards us from the west. It appeared to be a raptor, but not just one of the multitude of Buzzards we normally encounter round these parts, this bird had a long thin tail! I rapidly reached into the car for my bins, focused, and confirmed my suspicions that the bird was a Red Kite! I have seen this bird a few times in Devon, including one a couple of years ago that flew low over my house! But I am always enthralled to watch these beautiful birds as they fly over, twisting their long, forked tails to add to stability of flight. This one flew at a height of about 100feet and passed slowly over us. Of course, I was jumping up and down with delight, oblivious to other footie fans walking past (and probably thinking I'd just escaped from the local institution). Nevertheless, I eventually calmed down and stopped embarrassing my son and his girlfriend (I even managed to try and get them to see the bird!). It eventually disappeared behind some rooftops. We then went on to the ground where, inspired by a Kite flypast, City won 2-1!
I drove into Exeter this afternoon to see my team, City, play. There was plenty of banter as I had my son and his girlfriend with me. On arrival, I headed for my usual parking spot in Polsloe Road. We were getting kitted up with warm clothing, when I suddenly spotted a strange large bird flying towards us from the west. It appeared to be a raptor, but not just one of the multitude of Buzzards we normally encounter round these parts, this bird had a long thin tail! I rapidly reached into the car for my bins, focused, and confirmed my suspicions that the bird was a Red Kite! I have seen this bird a few times in Devon, including one a couple of years ago that flew low over my house! But I am always enthralled to watch these beautiful birds as they fly over, twisting their long, forked tails to add to stability of flight. This one flew at a height of about 100feet and passed slowly over us. Of course, I was jumping up and down with delight, oblivious to other footie fans walking past (and probably thinking I'd just escaped from the local institution). Nevertheless, I eventually calmed down and stopped embarrassing my son and his girlfriend (I even managed to try and get them to see the bird!). It eventually disappeared behind some rooftops. We then went on to the ground where, inspired by a Kite flypast, City won 2-1!
Friday 30th January 2009
Not much better today!
I paid 2 visits to Mudbank Lane today, once during lunchtime and again a quick trip there after work. Again, there was a cold south-easterly wind blowing and it was very very dull and overcast. Only 2 Dark-bellied Brent Geese were present and the only duck present were a few Shelduck. In the distance towards the Imperial Ground, there were over 100 Knot feeding on the mudflats, not a bad number for Exmouth! A Grey Wagtail was again present in the channel through the mud the other side of the railway line. The later visit revealed a Spotted Redshank and the resident Greenshank in the channel.
I paid 2 visits to Mudbank Lane today, once during lunchtime and again a quick trip there after work. Again, there was a cold south-easterly wind blowing and it was very very dull and overcast. Only 2 Dark-bellied Brent Geese were present and the only duck present were a few Shelduck. In the distance towards the Imperial Ground, there were over 100 Knot feeding on the mudflats, not a bad number for Exmouth! A Grey Wagtail was again present in the channel through the mud the other side of the railway line. The later visit revealed a Spotted Redshank and the resident Greenshank in the channel.
Thursday 29th January 2009
Cold and Windy!
I visited Orcombe Point today, but immediately thought it a daft thing to do, as I arrived and found the wind howling in very cold from the south-east, straight off the sea. Now, out on the point I usually seawatch from behind some clifftop bushes which give me some protection when the wind is coming anywhere from the west. Easterlies mean a darned good buffeting, and trying to hold on to your tripod and telescope! Such was the weather today, I soon retreated back to the car. A Red-throated Diver passing south-west was the highlight. What did seem rather funny was a party of 10 Long-tailed Tits passing through the bushes by my side, right in the teeth of the strong wind. The bushes were being blown all over the place, so as you can see the smallest bird in the UK (if you remove its tail!) is very resilient!
I soon found myself down at Mudbank Lane where it seemed a bit calmer. However there wasn't much to be seen here, save the resident Greenshank again. It was one of those days you just have to put down to experience!
I visited Orcombe Point today, but immediately thought it a daft thing to do, as I arrived and found the wind howling in very cold from the south-east, straight off the sea. Now, out on the point I usually seawatch from behind some clifftop bushes which give me some protection when the wind is coming anywhere from the west. Easterlies mean a darned good buffeting, and trying to hold on to your tripod and telescope! Such was the weather today, I soon retreated back to the car. A Red-throated Diver passing south-west was the highlight. What did seem rather funny was a party of 10 Long-tailed Tits passing through the bushes by my side, right in the teeth of the strong wind. The bushes were being blown all over the place, so as you can see the smallest bird in the UK (if you remove its tail!) is very resilient!
I soon found myself down at Mudbank Lane where it seemed a bit calmer. However there wasn't much to be seen here, save the resident Greenshank again. It was one of those days you just have to put down to experience!
Monday, 2 February 2009
Wednesday 28th January 2009
Another Local Patch Yeartick
A fairly mild day with a southerly breeze and plenty of sunshine. I popped back into Exmouth at lunchtime and wandered round the Shelly Beach area, but there wasn't much to be seen save for a couple of Goldeneye just offshore. So I popped round to Mudbank lane, where I set up my 'scope and had a look over the railway line. A Greenshank was present as usual in the channel through the mudflats. 7 Knot were seen a little farther out. I was just about to head back to work, when I thought I'd better check out the gulls in front of me. Luckily I did, because I was soon looking at an adult Mediterranean Gull in winter plumage. It was loafing on the mudflats with a group of about 100 Black-headed and a couple of Common Gulls. This was my first on the local patch this year, and took my patch yearlist up to 101 species.
After work I popped up to Bystock reserve and had a quick zoom round before it got dark. I heard a Green Woodpecker calling near the top end of the reserve, and later had a Great Spotted Woodpecker flying over near the lake. However I saw nothing else of note until I got back to the car, where a Marsh Tit flew into the trees by the car, and started calling loudly (presumably to make sure I had seen it!).
A fairly mild day with a southerly breeze and plenty of sunshine. I popped back into Exmouth at lunchtime and wandered round the Shelly Beach area, but there wasn't much to be seen save for a couple of Goldeneye just offshore. So I popped round to Mudbank lane, where I set up my 'scope and had a look over the railway line. A Greenshank was present as usual in the channel through the mudflats. 7 Knot were seen a little farther out. I was just about to head back to work, when I thought I'd better check out the gulls in front of me. Luckily I did, because I was soon looking at an adult Mediterranean Gull in winter plumage. It was loafing on the mudflats with a group of about 100 Black-headed and a couple of Common Gulls. This was my first on the local patch this year, and took my patch yearlist up to 101 species.
After work I popped up to Bystock reserve and had a quick zoom round before it got dark. I heard a Green Woodpecker calling near the top end of the reserve, and later had a Great Spotted Woodpecker flying over near the lake. However I saw nothing else of note until I got back to the car, where a Marsh Tit flew into the trees by the car, and started calling loudly (presumably to make sure I had seen it!).
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Monday 26th January 2009
Working the Local Patch
I popped down to the Shelly beach area of Exmouth again at lunchtime, after a fruitless look at Mudbank Lane. The tide was out, but there was plenty to see. Just off the beach in a channel between the beach and a raised musselbed was a Little Grebe, a local patch yeartick. 5 Goldeneye were also just offshore together with the usual Red-breasted Mergansers. In the distance across the other side of the estuary I could see the Spoonbill again, at Starcross. A cold northerly wind was blowing down the estuary, but a little sunshine now and then brightened things up a bit.
Later on I paid a visit to Withycombe Raleigh Common, where I had very close views of one of the local Buzzards and the sun was shining continuously until it set. With the sun going down, a few birds dropped into the area to roost. A few Linnets were watched flying in. Best of all though was a female Crossbill, which flew over calling, before dropping in to Bystock Reserve, albeit some distance from where I was standing on WRC. Five minutes later a pair of Yellowhammers dropped into the gorse and heather, also calling as they approached. The latter were my first of the year anywhere!
I popped down to the Shelly beach area of Exmouth again at lunchtime, after a fruitless look at Mudbank Lane. The tide was out, but there was plenty to see. Just off the beach in a channel between the beach and a raised musselbed was a Little Grebe, a local patch yeartick. 5 Goldeneye were also just offshore together with the usual Red-breasted Mergansers. In the distance across the other side of the estuary I could see the Spoonbill again, at Starcross. A cold northerly wind was blowing down the estuary, but a little sunshine now and then brightened things up a bit.
Later on I paid a visit to Withycombe Raleigh Common, where I had very close views of one of the local Buzzards and the sun was shining continuously until it set. With the sun going down, a few birds dropped into the area to roost. A few Linnets were watched flying in. Best of all though was a female Crossbill, which flew over calling, before dropping in to Bystock Reserve, albeit some distance from where I was standing on WRC. Five minutes later a pair of Yellowhammers dropped into the gorse and heather, also calling as they approached. The latter were my first of the year anywhere!
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Sunday 25th January 2009

Had an hour to spare this afternoon, so I drove over to Douglas Avenue, parked up, and took the footpath down over Littleham Brook, through Maer Vale up to Maer Lane. It was fairly quiet birdwise, despite the mainly sunny afternoon. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling near the stream and a flock of over 50 Chaffinches was given a good grilling for Brambling, to no avail! I saw that there was a small flock of Pied Wagtails in the ploughed field at the bottom of Gore Lane again, so I waited to see if anything else presented itself, as the birds kept popping up from deep in some furrow! A few Meadow Pipits were also present. However, all was revealed when a male Sparrowhawk flew low over the field!
There were twice as many wagtails and pipits as I thought there were, and also emerging out of the furrows were a couple of Skylarks, my first on the local patch this year. I carried on round, recrossed Littleham Brook, and eventually arrived back at the car, without seeing anything else of note. It was then time to go and pick Julia up from work.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Saturday 24th January 2009
We had to go to Tavistock today to visit the father-in-law, who's just moved house. On arrival, we had time for a quick walk alongside the River Tavy before the visit, so off we went. It was a sunny, but cold day with a north-westerly breeze. After our walk, a couple of light showers passed through. There wasn't really much to see birdwise, until I spotted a Dipper stood on a small rock almost at water level. It suddenly plunged in to the river (about a foot deep here) and surfaced again with a tiny fish. It beat it against a rock and rubbed it up and down a couple of times before swallowing it! Abruptly, it plunged back into the water and again, surfaced with another tiny fish, which it gave the same treatment as the first. This occurred perhaps another 3 or 4 times before the bird just settled down to stand on the rock, blinking its white eyelids every so often. I have always been intrigued by dippers, since finding my first one as a small child on my local river in Wiltshire. I have watched them for hours over the years, finding them quite unique. I have watched them walking under water lots of times, always going upstream whilst submerged, the force of the water keeping the bird stuck to the bottom. They soon bob up again when they want to! The Tavistock bird was my first this year. At the end of our little walk, I noticed a pair of Goosander flying high over the town, following the course of the river downstream.
We had to go to Tavistock today to visit the father-in-law, who's just moved house. On arrival, we had time for a quick walk alongside the River Tavy before the visit, so off we went. It was a sunny, but cold day with a north-westerly breeze. After our walk, a couple of light showers passed through. There wasn't really much to see birdwise, until I spotted a Dipper stood on a small rock almost at water level. It suddenly plunged in to the river (about a foot deep here) and surfaced again with a tiny fish. It beat it against a rock and rubbed it up and down a couple of times before swallowing it! Abruptly, it plunged back into the water and again, surfaced with another tiny fish, which it gave the same treatment as the first. This occurred perhaps another 3 or 4 times before the bird just settled down to stand on the rock, blinking its white eyelids every so often. I have always been intrigued by dippers, since finding my first one as a small child on my local river in Wiltshire. I have watched them for hours over the years, finding them quite unique. I have watched them walking under water lots of times, always going upstream whilst submerged, the force of the water keeping the bird stuck to the bottom. They soon bob up again when they want to! The Tavistock bird was my first this year. At the end of our little walk, I noticed a pair of Goosander flying high over the town, following the course of the river downstream.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Friday 23rd January 2009
Some Nice Relaxing Birding
Exactly what I did early this afternoon! I parked up opposite Littleham church and wandered down Elm Road to the footpath that goes across the field to Green Farm. After the rain we've had, the ground was very squelchy underfoot. Good job I had my wellies on then! Today there was a cold north-westerly wind blowing, but for the most part it stayed sunny. A Raven was a nice surprise, stood alongside the brook which runs through the meadow. 2 Little Egrets were feeding in a field by the farm with lots of gulls - an unusual place to see them. Mind you they tend to be everywhere nowadays! I passed the farm and carried on down into Maer Vale, where a pair of hunting Sparrowhawks were seen on and off during the walk.
Eventually I reached the set-aside field which lies adjacent to the footpath connecting Maer Farm with Douglas Avenue. In here was my first Stock Dove of the year for my local patch. I crossed Littleham Brook by the ford - there's a tiny stone footbridge here thank goodness, and was soon watching a Common Chiffchaff feeding in a hedgerow within a few feet of me. This was also my first in Exmouth this year. Carrying on up the muddy track (seemingly slipping back 3 paces for every forward two I took!) I arrived in Maer Lane. On reaching Prattshayes Farm (some wonderful poetic farm names round these parts!) I noticed a few thrushes in the field next to the lane. Peering through a convenient gap in the hedge, I had stunning close views of 6 Fieldfares, 3 Mistle Thrushes and a solitary Redwing. The Fieldfare were my first on my local patch this year too!
I then followed the lane along into Littleham village and wandered around the churchyard. I sheltered from the cold wind, behind the walls there, and a few birds were doing the same, including a Green Woodpecker which was probing the ground for food amongst the tombstones and a couple of female Bullfinches which were sat in a low bush. I then pottered over the road to my car and left the area.
Exactly what I did early this afternoon! I parked up opposite Littleham church and wandered down Elm Road to the footpath that goes across the field to Green Farm. After the rain we've had, the ground was very squelchy underfoot. Good job I had my wellies on then! Today there was a cold north-westerly wind blowing, but for the most part it stayed sunny. A Raven was a nice surprise, stood alongside the brook which runs through the meadow. 2 Little Egrets were feeding in a field by the farm with lots of gulls - an unusual place to see them. Mind you they tend to be everywhere nowadays! I passed the farm and carried on down into Maer Vale, where a pair of hunting Sparrowhawks were seen on and off during the walk.
Eventually I reached the set-aside field which lies adjacent to the footpath connecting Maer Farm with Douglas Avenue. In here was my first Stock Dove of the year for my local patch. I crossed Littleham Brook by the ford - there's a tiny stone footbridge here thank goodness, and was soon watching a Common Chiffchaff feeding in a hedgerow within a few feet of me. This was also my first in Exmouth this year. Carrying on up the muddy track (seemingly slipping back 3 paces for every forward two I took!) I arrived in Maer Lane. On reaching Prattshayes Farm (some wonderful poetic farm names round these parts!) I noticed a few thrushes in the field next to the lane. Peering through a convenient gap in the hedge, I had stunning close views of 6 Fieldfares, 3 Mistle Thrushes and a solitary Redwing. The Fieldfare were my first on my local patch this year too!
I then followed the lane along into Littleham village and wandered around the churchyard. I sheltered from the cold wind, behind the walls there, and a few birds were doing the same, including a Green Woodpecker which was probing the ground for food amongst the tombstones and a couple of female Bullfinches which were sat in a low bush. I then pottered over the road to my car and left the area.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Thursday 22nd January 2009
One of those days!
Funny how sometimes you can have a torrid birding visit to a usually fruitful site, only to follow it up with a super visit to another place just down the road. My 2 visits today were alike as chalk and cheese! Firstly the boring bit - I visited Bystock Reserve and WRC (remember that?). Highlights were a Great Spotted Woodpecker heard on getting out of the car, and a little later a couple of Goldcrests. Yep, it was that exciting. However, later in the afternoon I popped down to Mudbank Lane in Exmouth and scanned over the estuary where the tide was right in. At first I thought my luck hadn't changed. Usually there are masses of Wigeon, Pintail and Dark-bellied Brent Geese to seen here. Today there was a single female Wigeon! Obviously something had disturbed the birds. Cursing the day I was having, I 'scoped a little farther out. A female Goldeneye was seen diving in the shallows over Cockle Sand. I was aware of a fair few gulls flying in to roost, coming down the estuary. Mindful of the fact that an Iceland Gull had been reported at this time yesterday, I decided to check the gulls flying in. Several of the gulls were flying in over the submerged Cockle Sand (entering my local patch boundary) and landing on a fairly distant protruding sandbar. I soon picked out an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, a patch yeartick, but this was quickly surpassed by the Iceland Gull flying in over Cockle Sand and landing next to the Lesser Black-back! This bird was an immature bird, I tend to lean towards a second-winter bird, as it was quite white, where a first-year tends to be a bit more biscuit-coloured. I quickly 'phoned the news out, and within 15 minutes was joined by 3 other birders, who I eventually managed to put on the gull. The bird was quickly becoming hidden by arriving gulls, however, luckily it had developed an uncanny knack of moving further away from the incoming gull rush and showing fairly well, even if it was quite distant. So, after a very lean day for birds, I was finally rewarded by persistance
Funny how sometimes you can have a torrid birding visit to a usually fruitful site, only to follow it up with a super visit to another place just down the road. My 2 visits today were alike as chalk and cheese! Firstly the boring bit - I visited Bystock Reserve and WRC (remember that?). Highlights were a Great Spotted Woodpecker heard on getting out of the car, and a little later a couple of Goldcrests. Yep, it was that exciting. However, later in the afternoon I popped down to Mudbank Lane in Exmouth and scanned over the estuary where the tide was right in. At first I thought my luck hadn't changed. Usually there are masses of Wigeon, Pintail and Dark-bellied Brent Geese to seen here. Today there was a single female Wigeon! Obviously something had disturbed the birds. Cursing the day I was having, I 'scoped a little farther out. A female Goldeneye was seen diving in the shallows over Cockle Sand. I was aware of a fair few gulls flying in to roost, coming down the estuary. Mindful of the fact that an Iceland Gull had been reported at this time yesterday, I decided to check the gulls flying in. Several of the gulls were flying in over the submerged Cockle Sand (entering my local patch boundary) and landing on a fairly distant protruding sandbar. I soon picked out an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, a patch yeartick, but this was quickly surpassed by the Iceland Gull flying in over Cockle Sand and landing next to the Lesser Black-back! This bird was an immature bird, I tend to lean towards a second-winter bird, as it was quite white, where a first-year tends to be a bit more biscuit-coloured. I quickly 'phoned the news out, and within 15 minutes was joined by 3 other birders, who I eventually managed to put on the gull. The bird was quickly becoming hidden by arriving gulls, however, luckily it had developed an uncanny knack of moving further away from the incoming gull rush and showing fairly well, even if it was quite distant. So, after a very lean day for birds, I was finally rewarded by persistance
Wednesday 21st January 2009
Orcombe and Maer Vale
Yes, that it the right spelling! I haven't got 2 left hands for typing! Maer Vale runs from the Maer on Exmouth seafront right the way up to Littleham village (which has now been swallowed up by the town of Exmouth). Maer Vale is a small tract of countryside flanking Exmouth on the east side, with a stream (Littleham Brook) running right down through the middle. I hope it never gets built on, as it is a haven for wildlife, albeit mainly common species! So an early afternoon trudge round from Orcombe Point, where I did a swift seawatch, up the coastpath to the High Land of Orcombe, then down through Gore Lane and into Maer Vale. 2 Red-throated Divers flew west off the point, and I got my first Exmouth Fulmar of the year. 2 Common Scoter were sat on the sea there, and two more flew past. I wandered up over the top fields, then down Gore Lane, where a flock of c. 60 Pied wagtails were feeding in a ploughed field, together with 4 or 5 Meadow Pipits. On reaching the stream in Maer Vale, I was lucky ehough to connect with my first 2 Mistle Thrushes of the year, anywhere. 28 Curlew were feeding in a grassy field, behind Foxholes Hill, and a Sparrowhawk flew low down the valley. On finally returning to the car, I was rewarded with another view of a Black-throated Diver, passing westwards towards Dawlish.
Yeartick: Mistle Thrush. Exmouth yearticks: Common Scoter, Fulmar, Meadow Pipit.
Yes, that it the right spelling! I haven't got 2 left hands for typing! Maer Vale runs from the Maer on Exmouth seafront right the way up to Littleham village (which has now been swallowed up by the town of Exmouth). Maer Vale is a small tract of countryside flanking Exmouth on the east side, with a stream (Littleham Brook) running right down through the middle. I hope it never gets built on, as it is a haven for wildlife, albeit mainly common species! So an early afternoon trudge round from Orcombe Point, where I did a swift seawatch, up the coastpath to the High Land of Orcombe, then down through Gore Lane and into Maer Vale. 2 Red-throated Divers flew west off the point, and I got my first Exmouth Fulmar of the year. 2 Common Scoter were sat on the sea there, and two more flew past. I wandered up over the top fields, then down Gore Lane, where a flock of c. 60 Pied wagtails were feeding in a ploughed field, together with 4 or 5 Meadow Pipits. On reaching the stream in Maer Vale, I was lucky ehough to connect with my first 2 Mistle Thrushes of the year, anywhere. 28 Curlew were feeding in a grassy field, behind Foxholes Hill, and a Sparrowhawk flew low down the valley. On finally returning to the car, I was rewarded with another view of a Black-throated Diver, passing westwards towards Dawlish.
Yeartick: Mistle Thrush. Exmouth yearticks: Common Scoter, Fulmar, Meadow Pipit.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Tuesday 20th January 2009
Withycombe Raleigh Common
WRC as I call it (for obvious reasons!) is a tiny part of the important East Devon pebblebed heathland. Even more important as far as I'm concerned is the fact that part of it sits nicely within my local patch - namely Exmouth Civil Parish Boundary. It's not called pebblebed for fun. You can walk round it, and bruise a toe quite easily against a bleddy great pebble the size of a football if you don't look where you're going. When one is out birding here, one does tend to not look where one is walking. Hence yours truly has permanently bruised toes! Seriously though, it is a wonderful stretch of habitat, and contains a small selection of bird species which I would struggle to see on my patch otherwise. If you read this blog regularly you will see what WRC has to offer over the year. I'm not about to list all the species down here now!
To cut out my rambling, I will just say that I paid the area a visit at lunchtime today. It was sunny and quite springlike for the first time this year. We don't usually get much of a winter in these parts, so this season has been a bit of a shock to the system! However, today was one of our more normal January days weatherwise. A Blackbird, a Robin and a Great Tit were singing away, heralding the spring which won't hopefully be too far away. A Coal Tit was calling from a firtree. Then I heard the distinctive call of a Dartford Warbler, scolding me as I went past. Thank goodness, at least the cold spell hasn't decimated this species, which is always prone to very cold weather. A Raven flew over 'cronking' and shortly afterwards a Peregrine zoomed over the horizon heading towards the coast. (There is a fine distant view of the sea from up here!). All good things come to an end, and I had to retreat back to the office sooner than I would have liked.
Exmouth yearticks: Dartford Warbler (also a 2009 tick) and Peregrine.
WRC as I call it (for obvious reasons!) is a tiny part of the important East Devon pebblebed heathland. Even more important as far as I'm concerned is the fact that part of it sits nicely within my local patch - namely Exmouth Civil Parish Boundary. It's not called pebblebed for fun. You can walk round it, and bruise a toe quite easily against a bleddy great pebble the size of a football if you don't look where you're going. When one is out birding here, one does tend to not look where one is walking. Hence yours truly has permanently bruised toes! Seriously though, it is a wonderful stretch of habitat, and contains a small selection of bird species which I would struggle to see on my patch otherwise. If you read this blog regularly you will see what WRC has to offer over the year. I'm not about to list all the species down here now!
To cut out my rambling, I will just say that I paid the area a visit at lunchtime today. It was sunny and quite springlike for the first time this year. We don't usually get much of a winter in these parts, so this season has been a bit of a shock to the system! However, today was one of our more normal January days weatherwise. A Blackbird, a Robin and a Great Tit were singing away, heralding the spring which won't hopefully be too far away. A Coal Tit was calling from a firtree. Then I heard the distinctive call of a Dartford Warbler, scolding me as I went past. Thank goodness, at least the cold spell hasn't decimated this species, which is always prone to very cold weather. A Raven flew over 'cronking' and shortly afterwards a Peregrine zoomed over the horizon heading towards the coast. (There is a fine distant view of the sea from up here!). All good things come to an end, and I had to retreat back to the office sooner than I would have liked.
Exmouth yearticks: Dartford Warbler (also a 2009 tick) and Peregrine.
Monday 19th January 2009
Back with the birding!
I do this every so often. Have a break from birding. So, the weekend passed with me spending some time with the family, especially as my wife had the whole weekend off. I got some chores done too. Saturday afternoon was spent following my other great love in life after my family and my birding - watching Exeter City FC! Ok so we only drew 0 - 0, but it was great to be back at the park, after our last 2 home games had been postponed due to an icy pitch. It was also good not to have it too cold to sit and watch the game. The last time I went I'm sure that when I got up from my seat, certain parts of my anatomy were left still frozen to the chair! I haven't missed a home game yet this season.
So today I popped quickly into town to do a couple of chores, then I zoomed round to the seafront and set up my telescope. I was lucky enough to see a Slavonian Grebe just offshore, which was an Exmouth yeartick. I love these little birds. Even in winter plumage they appear so clean and sharply marked. Whilst scanning around the bay, I soon found another Exmouth yeartick. This was a Great Northern Diver - an adult in winter plumage. Miraculously it stayed on the surface for quite some time, only diving occasionally and resurfacing not too far from where it had dived. Most of the diver family have an uncanny knack of getting lost from view. They dive, then pop up several hundred yards from where they disappeared, which can be frustrating when trying to put other birds on them! I had no such problems today - there was a nice obliging diver, and not another birder in sight.
I do this every so often. Have a break from birding. So, the weekend passed with me spending some time with the family, especially as my wife had the whole weekend off. I got some chores done too. Saturday afternoon was spent following my other great love in life after my family and my birding - watching Exeter City FC! Ok so we only drew 0 - 0, but it was great to be back at the park, after our last 2 home games had been postponed due to an icy pitch. It was also good not to have it too cold to sit and watch the game. The last time I went I'm sure that when I got up from my seat, certain parts of my anatomy were left still frozen to the chair! I haven't missed a home game yet this season.
So today I popped quickly into town to do a couple of chores, then I zoomed round to the seafront and set up my telescope. I was lucky enough to see a Slavonian Grebe just offshore, which was an Exmouth yeartick. I love these little birds. Even in winter plumage they appear so clean and sharply marked. Whilst scanning around the bay, I soon found another Exmouth yeartick. This was a Great Northern Diver - an adult in winter plumage. Miraculously it stayed on the surface for quite some time, only diving occasionally and resurfacing not too far from where it had dived. Most of the diver family have an uncanny knack of getting lost from view. They dive, then pop up several hundred yards from where they disappeared, which can be frustrating when trying to put other birds on them! I had no such problems today - there was a nice obliging diver, and not another birder in sight.
Friday 16th January 2009
Orcombe Point
A wander around the Orcombe Point area early afternoon was reasonable for seabirds, but the strong south-south-west wind made sure that any small passerines kept below cover! I pulled up at Foxholes Hill, kitted up and was immediately treated to views of a female Sparrowhawk circling round in the wind, being mobbed by gulls. I ambled along to the point where I took shelter behind my usual hedge, set my 'scope up and started scanning the sea. A few Guillemots and Razorbills passed by. A Red-throated Diver was found sat on the sea, just out from the obelisk, and shortly afterwards I found another further out. Only one Gannet (an adult) was seen and 5 Dark-bellied Brent Geese flew swiftly past. I was aware of some alarm calls given by a couple of Blackbirds and a Robin. I took my eye from the 'scope, and put up my bins, just in time to see a male Sparrowhawk hunting low over the hedgerows (as if the wind wasn't enough to keep the small birds hidden from view!). I was being buffeted a bit by the wind, despite hiding behind the hedge, so I wandered up to the High Land of Orcombe to check the top fields. Big mistake! The only birds I saw were a cock Pheasant, and a small flock of Redwings, the latter seemingly squat and glued to the ground, in an effort to keep out of the wind! I returned back to the point and had another brief seawatch for a few minutes. This time I was rewarded by the Red-throated Divers being still present on the sea, and best of all, a Black-throated Diver, which flew past close in, into the teeth of the wind. Time was called by a solitary Kittiwake drifting by. I then had to pack up and leave.
Yeartick today: Black-throated Diver.
Exmouth yearticks in addition to the above diver were: Red-throated Diver, Sparrowhawk, Pheasant, Guillemot, Razorbill & Kittiwake.
A wander around the Orcombe Point area early afternoon was reasonable for seabirds, but the strong south-south-west wind made sure that any small passerines kept below cover! I pulled up at Foxholes Hill, kitted up and was immediately treated to views of a female Sparrowhawk circling round in the wind, being mobbed by gulls. I ambled along to the point where I took shelter behind my usual hedge, set my 'scope up and started scanning the sea. A few Guillemots and Razorbills passed by. A Red-throated Diver was found sat on the sea, just out from the obelisk, and shortly afterwards I found another further out. Only one Gannet (an adult) was seen and 5 Dark-bellied Brent Geese flew swiftly past. I was aware of some alarm calls given by a couple of Blackbirds and a Robin. I took my eye from the 'scope, and put up my bins, just in time to see a male Sparrowhawk hunting low over the hedgerows (as if the wind wasn't enough to keep the small birds hidden from view!). I was being buffeted a bit by the wind, despite hiding behind the hedge, so I wandered up to the High Land of Orcombe to check the top fields. Big mistake! The only birds I saw were a cock Pheasant, and a small flock of Redwings, the latter seemingly squat and glued to the ground, in an effort to keep out of the wind! I returned back to the point and had another brief seawatch for a few minutes. This time I was rewarded by the Red-throated Divers being still present on the sea, and best of all, a Black-throated Diver, which flew past close in, into the teeth of the wind. Time was called by a solitary Kittiwake drifting by. I then had to pack up and leave.
Yeartick today: Black-throated Diver.
Exmouth yearticks in addition to the above diver were: Red-throated Diver, Sparrowhawk, Pheasant, Guillemot, Razorbill & Kittiwake.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Thursday 15th January 2009
Blowy Budleigh
A visit to Budleigh Salterton today, as the wind was strong and coming in from the south. The sea was quite rough, and on arrival, it was obvious that quite a lot of seabirds were passing south-west. A Fulmar passed by, as were lots of Razorbills and Guillemots. Small numbers of Kittiwakes were on the move too. The female Eider was still just off the River Otter mouth, as were a group of 25 Common Scoter. 2 Red-throated Divers were also watched passing south-west. After standing under the seafront shelter for quite a time, I was still having to cope with the wind blasting more or less straight at me, although the shelter did give me some form of protection. I decided it was the right moment to take a break from this onslaught and wander up alongside the Otter estuary. A couple of Little Egrets were seen, as were a couple of Common Redshank. A small group of Curlew were feeding on the cricket pitch. Luckily, with them was the overwintering Whimbrel! I wandered on up to White Bridge, then turned round and came back.
I was aware of lots of gulls, especially Black-headed, drifting slowly westwards fairly high over the estuary. I decided to stop and scan these for a while (to be honest I didn't fancy braving the elements on the seafront just yet!). Plenty of Black-headed, several Herring and a few Common Gulls drifted over. "Hang on, what's that?", I thought, noticing a flash of white wing-tips. Thorough scrutiny revealed an adult Mediterranean Gull gradually working its way west, sometimes briefly circling with the flock.
It disappeared into the distance towards the Exe and I disappeared back towards the seafront. The Whimbrel was still showing well on the cricket pitch as I passed. On reaching the seafront, there were still plenty of auks passing south-west, but after a few minutes of wind torture, I gave up and returned to the car.
Yearticks in order today: Fulmar, Kittiwake, Guillemot, Whimbrel & Mediterranean Gull.
A visit to Budleigh Salterton today, as the wind was strong and coming in from the south. The sea was quite rough, and on arrival, it was obvious that quite a lot of seabirds were passing south-west. A Fulmar passed by, as were lots of Razorbills and Guillemots. Small numbers of Kittiwakes were on the move too. The female Eider was still just off the River Otter mouth, as were a group of 25 Common Scoter. 2 Red-throated Divers were also watched passing south-west. After standing under the seafront shelter for quite a time, I was still having to cope with the wind blasting more or less straight at me, although the shelter did give me some form of protection. I decided it was the right moment to take a break from this onslaught and wander up alongside the Otter estuary. A couple of Little Egrets were seen, as were a couple of Common Redshank. A small group of Curlew were feeding on the cricket pitch. Luckily, with them was the overwintering Whimbrel! I wandered on up to White Bridge, then turned round and came back.
I was aware of lots of gulls, especially Black-headed, drifting slowly westwards fairly high over the estuary. I decided to stop and scan these for a while (to be honest I didn't fancy braving the elements on the seafront just yet!). Plenty of Black-headed, several Herring and a few Common Gulls drifted over. "Hang on, what's that?", I thought, noticing a flash of white wing-tips. Thorough scrutiny revealed an adult Mediterranean Gull gradually working its way west, sometimes briefly circling with the flock.
It disappeared into the distance towards the Exe and I disappeared back towards the seafront. The Whimbrel was still showing well on the cricket pitch as I passed. On reaching the seafront, there were still plenty of auks passing south-west, but after a few minutes of wind torture, I gave up and returned to the car.
Yearticks in order today: Fulmar, Kittiwake, Guillemot, Whimbrel & Mediterranean Gull.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Wednesday 14th January 2009
It was a cloudy day with a few spits of drizzle now and then but over the lunchtime period, it wasn't too bad. It was a mild day with a southerly breeze. I decided to go and have another look at the Scaup at Countess Wear to put it on my 2009 yearlist. I parked up and strolled up the canal to the Double Locks pub. There on the water, just the other side of the frozen-up bit, was the female Scaup, still performing very well. Not much else was seen here, even though I looked through the screens at Riverside Country Park, viewing over the reedfringed scrapes.
On a whim, I decided to try and see the Hawfinch that has occasionally been seen at Ide! Now, me and Hawfinches have never got on very well. It took me about 15 attempts to connect with one when we first moved down to Devon all those years ago. I remember standing on a driveway in Doddiscombsleigh (try saying that when you've just come out of the Nobody Inn!), for hours waiting to see one. I also remember finding my first when I was a child, just down the lane from where I lived in Wiltshire - I only ever saw them once again in all my years of living there! In my twitching days, on a trip up to the north of the country, we would often pop into Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire (a proverbial Hawfinch Hotspot!) on the way back from a twitch and view a lot of empty trees! Speech House in the Forest of Dean in deepest Gloucestershire is supposed to be good for them. Nah, don't you believe it - I only ever saw them there once in about a dozen visits! Anyway, to cut a long Hawfinch story short, I arrived at the prescribed spot to the west of Ide, more in hope than anything. It didn't start out too good. A mechanical excavator was making a hell of a din on the hillside behind me, a group of noisy people all armed with axes and saws, trundled down over the fields talking at 40000 decibels and then a large, very noisy lorry crept slowly up the lane taking the half the hedgerow either side with it! I reached a point, and thought "That's it - I've had enough". I retraced my steps, and miraculously, it had all gone quiet. The lorry had gone - it was probably wedged in the lane further on up the road! The axesfolk had chopped off somewhere and the excavator had presumably stopped for lunch. I scanned the fields and hedgerows and the tops of all the trees. I nearly passed it by at first, a pale pinky-sandy blob sat partially obscured in a small ash tree. I got my 'scope on it, and realised it was the Hawfinch sat looking away from me. After several minutes, the bird decided to shift position slightly, turning its head and showing off its huge bill, and little neat black bib! Wow! My first one for several years. I watched it for several more minutes, then left it in what was presumably a short-lived peace!
It was a cloudy day with a few spits of drizzle now and then but over the lunchtime period, it wasn't too bad. It was a mild day with a southerly breeze. I decided to go and have another look at the Scaup at Countess Wear to put it on my 2009 yearlist. I parked up and strolled up the canal to the Double Locks pub. There on the water, just the other side of the frozen-up bit, was the female Scaup, still performing very well. Not much else was seen here, even though I looked through the screens at Riverside Country Park, viewing over the reedfringed scrapes.
On a whim, I decided to try and see the Hawfinch that has occasionally been seen at Ide! Now, me and Hawfinches have never got on very well. It took me about 15 attempts to connect with one when we first moved down to Devon all those years ago. I remember standing on a driveway in Doddiscombsleigh (try saying that when you've just come out of the Nobody Inn!), for hours waiting to see one. I also remember finding my first when I was a child, just down the lane from where I lived in Wiltshire - I only ever saw them once again in all my years of living there! In my twitching days, on a trip up to the north of the country, we would often pop into Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire (a proverbial Hawfinch Hotspot!) on the way back from a twitch and view a lot of empty trees! Speech House in the Forest of Dean in deepest Gloucestershire is supposed to be good for them. Nah, don't you believe it - I only ever saw them there once in about a dozen visits! Anyway, to cut a long Hawfinch story short, I arrived at the prescribed spot to the west of Ide, more in hope than anything. It didn't start out too good. A mechanical excavator was making a hell of a din on the hillside behind me, a group of noisy people all armed with axes and saws, trundled down over the fields talking at 40000 decibels and then a large, very noisy lorry crept slowly up the lane taking the half the hedgerow either side with it! I reached a point, and thought "That's it - I've had enough". I retraced my steps, and miraculously, it had all gone quiet. The lorry had gone - it was probably wedged in the lane further on up the road! The axesfolk had chopped off somewhere and the excavator had presumably stopped for lunch. I scanned the fields and hedgerows and the tops of all the trees. I nearly passed it by at first, a pale pinky-sandy blob sat partially obscured in a small ash tree. I got my 'scope on it, and realised it was the Hawfinch sat looking away from me. After several minutes, the bird decided to shift position slightly, turning its head and showing off its huge bill, and little neat black bib! Wow! My first one for several years. I watched it for several more minutes, then left it in what was presumably a short-lived peace!
Monday, 19 January 2009
Tuesday 13th January 2009
Around my local patch
Right folks, this is where I get all thrifty and economical. Having accomplished my usual early New Year blast at a yearlist, it's time to draw in the reins a little and concentrate on the local patch. My patch consists of the area within the Exmouth Civil Parish Boundary and offshore from there. I have large scale maps of my patch produced and do not count any bird that is seen outside the boundary, while I am stood within it! Therefore today was rather lucky. I zipped down to Shelly Beach at lunchtime, and after a bit of searching, found the bird I was looking for, on the far side of the estuary at Starcross. An adult Spoonbill was busy feeding on the shoreline, close in to the railway line. This was easily seen by telescope, the bird swinging its bill from side to side whilst feeding. I realised that the bird was very close to a man digging for fishing bait. How I wished I was in his shoes. The bird was literally just a few feet away from where he was digging, although he seemed oblivious to it! Now, whether the bait-digger coughed loudly, sneezed or broke wind I don't know, but something spooked the Spoonbill. It flew up slowly and headed across the estuary towards Mudbank Lane, on MY side of the Exe! It conveniently flew into my local patch recording area, but then disappeared behind a large appartment block which ahem......'blocked' my view! By the time I had rushed round to the other side I could not find the Spoonbill again, so whether it had doubled back or carried on up the east side of the estuary, I couldn't say. There were still plenty of Dark-bellied Brent Geese and Red-breasted Mergansers about off Shelly, and the usual masses of Oystercatchers were being their usual noisy selves. Time was running out, so I headed back to work.
Later in the afternoon, I had a quick nip round Withycombe Raleigh Common, a nice little area of East Devon Pebblebed Heathland, conveniently placed just inside my local patch area! I had not gone very far, when a Raven flew over calling. I ambled down to the perimeter of my patch, and was delighted to find a flock of 87 Lesser Redpolls sat in a tree, just my side of the boundary. These birds have been very scarce this winter. Last winter, the trees seemed to be dripping with them! They didn't stay for long, but long enough for me to 'scope them. A bit further up the track and 4 Linnets landed in the heather by the side of me. They soon dispersed in different directions as a Buzzard lazily flapped across just a few feet above the ground! Finally a Jay flew over calling harshly as it went.
Today's yearticks: Spoonbill & Lesser Redpoll. And to that I added the following Local Patch yearticks:
Raven, Linnet, Buzzard & Jay.
Right folks, this is where I get all thrifty and economical. Having accomplished my usual early New Year blast at a yearlist, it's time to draw in the reins a little and concentrate on the local patch. My patch consists of the area within the Exmouth Civil Parish Boundary and offshore from there. I have large scale maps of my patch produced and do not count any bird that is seen outside the boundary, while I am stood within it! Therefore today was rather lucky. I zipped down to Shelly Beach at lunchtime, and after a bit of searching, found the bird I was looking for, on the far side of the estuary at Starcross. An adult Spoonbill was busy feeding on the shoreline, close in to the railway line. This was easily seen by telescope, the bird swinging its bill from side to side whilst feeding. I realised that the bird was very close to a man digging for fishing bait. How I wished I was in his shoes. The bird was literally just a few feet away from where he was digging, although he seemed oblivious to it! Now, whether the bait-digger coughed loudly, sneezed or broke wind I don't know, but something spooked the Spoonbill. It flew up slowly and headed across the estuary towards Mudbank Lane, on MY side of the Exe! It conveniently flew into my local patch recording area, but then disappeared behind a large appartment block which ahem......'blocked' my view! By the time I had rushed round to the other side I could not find the Spoonbill again, so whether it had doubled back or carried on up the east side of the estuary, I couldn't say. There were still plenty of Dark-bellied Brent Geese and Red-breasted Mergansers about off Shelly, and the usual masses of Oystercatchers were being their usual noisy selves. Time was running out, so I headed back to work.
Later in the afternoon, I had a quick nip round Withycombe Raleigh Common, a nice little area of East Devon Pebblebed Heathland, conveniently placed just inside my local patch area! I had not gone very far, when a Raven flew over calling. I ambled down to the perimeter of my patch, and was delighted to find a flock of 87 Lesser Redpolls sat in a tree, just my side of the boundary. These birds have been very scarce this winter. Last winter, the trees seemed to be dripping with them! They didn't stay for long, but long enough for me to 'scope them. A bit further up the track and 4 Linnets landed in the heather by the side of me. They soon dispersed in different directions as a Buzzard lazily flapped across just a few feet above the ground! Finally a Jay flew over calling harshly as it went.
Today's yearticks: Spoonbill & Lesser Redpoll. And to that I added the following Local Patch yearticks:
Raven, Linnet, Buzzard & Jay.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Monday 12th January 2009
Gales and rain
A horrible day today, with the south-west gale still blowing, and rain and drizzle being blasted horizontally across the ground! I took myself up to Topsham Rec' at lunchtime, put on my wet-weather gear and ambled up the side of the Exe. A female Tufted Duck just off the Retreat was a Devon yeartick, and several Red-breasted Merganser were present on ther river too. A Common Sandpiper was seen again on the side of the river, presumably the same bird as I saw on January 7th. A male Stonechat put in an appearance in one of the adjoining gardens. I was wandering back down towards the play area, when a Water Pipit flew in and landed on the side of the river. This was my first this year. It didn't linger, and took off towards Exminster Marshes. By now I was getting rather damp, and the realisation of a damp patch forming by my left elbow, decided me on making a swift exit from the site, and taking shelter in the hide at Bowling Green Marsh!
On arrival, there seemed to be very little about of interest. The usual flock of Wigeon were supplemented by Mallard, Pintail, Teal and Shoveler. 8 Greylag Geese were seen to the right of the hide, but that was about it.
A horrible day today, with the south-west gale still blowing, and rain and drizzle being blasted horizontally across the ground! I took myself up to Topsham Rec' at lunchtime, put on my wet-weather gear and ambled up the side of the Exe. A female Tufted Duck just off the Retreat was a Devon yeartick, and several Red-breasted Merganser were present on ther river too. A Common Sandpiper was seen again on the side of the river, presumably the same bird as I saw on January 7th. A male Stonechat put in an appearance in one of the adjoining gardens. I was wandering back down towards the play area, when a Water Pipit flew in and landed on the side of the river. This was my first this year. It didn't linger, and took off towards Exminster Marshes. By now I was getting rather damp, and the realisation of a damp patch forming by my left elbow, decided me on making a swift exit from the site, and taking shelter in the hide at Bowling Green Marsh!
On arrival, there seemed to be very little about of interest. The usual flock of Wigeon were supplemented by Mallard, Pintail, Teal and Shoveler. 8 Greylag Geese were seen to the right of the hide, but that was about it.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Sunday 11th January 2009
A Sad Day
I wasn't very happy today. I had to take my daughter back to University at Falmouth in Cornwall. I'd got used to having her around home again and brightening up the place even more! I dropped Julia off at work, then picked up my mate Tom and returned home. Eventually Rebecca was ready to leave. The 3 of us drove down to Falmouth, seeing a Raven near Okehampton, the only notable bird sighting on the journey down. It was cloudy and breezy, but at least it stayed dry. I pulled the car over at Fraddon for a much-wanted cup of coffee, then carried on to Penryn. We all unpacked Rebecca's kit into her flat and I made the usual sad goodbyes'. Always one to look on the cheerful side of life, I then put myself into full birding mode!
With the wind picking up somewhat, we drove on to Helston, where we stopped by the boating lake. There were the usual bread-throwing members of the public there, and of course, the wildfowl and gulls were going mad, fighting over that next juicy crust! Coot, Tufted Ducks and Mallard were in turmoil, and clusters of noisy gulls fought each other for food. Amongst this mad throng, we picked out a first-winter Ring-billed Gull, my first for a couple of years or so. Eventually the bread-throwers disappeared and things settled down. This resulted in the Ring-billed loitering on the path by the side of the lake. This gave super views and was a new bird for Tom. Next, we made the short hop over to the delights of the local sewage works! A few Chiffchaffs were foraging around in the bottom of the perimeter hedge, along with some tits, including several Long-tailed. A 'Siberian' Chiffchaff was glimpsed between the settling beds and the perimeter fence, but with the high wind, most of the Chiffs' were keeping low down. Whether this form of Chiffchaff will ever officially gain full-species status, is debatable! However, I seem to see this form on a fairly regular basis nowadays. It is quite distinctive, and has a different call to Common Chiffchaff.
With time ticking on, we decided to make our way to the Zennor area, to try and see our main target of the day. We found a convenient pull-in, hastily consumed some food (I was starving by then!), donned our birding gear and trudged up towards Sperris Quoit, the spot where the Snowy Owl has been seen most regularly. Regrettably, someone forgot to tell the owl to put in an appearance today, and we spent a fruitless time trudging over the moorland. No doubt, it will be seen again tomorrow! Luckily I had seen this species before, albeit 29 years ago, but it would have been a lifer for Tom. A Buzzard was seen sat on a rock, and 5 Common Snipe flew past, but that was it. Several other birders were also wandering aimlessly around, all to no avail. With the afternoon ticking on, we decided to cut our losses and head down to Marazion. We took the road over Trewey Common, where I spotted a female Merlin, which eventually settled on a fencepost. We arrived at Marazion, but the gale had got worse, and combined with the high tide, sent plumes of salt-spray over the seawall. There were loads of gulls feeding on the beach edge, picking up all those morsels pounded on to the beach by the weather. Lots of Sanderling were running around, doing the same. A quick look at the marsh produced nothing of note, but a distant Peregrine. With the conditions more suited to windfarming, we called it a day, and headed back up the A30.
With the light rapidly fading, I spotted a Barn Owl quartering the roadside fields at Zelah. I pulled over on to the grass verge as soon as I could, but Tom didn't get on to the bird, which was rather a pity. We then trundled back along the A30 to Exeter, and finally down the A376 to home.
Yearticks in order today: Tufted Duck, Ring-billed Gull, Siberian Chiffchaff, Merlin, Peregrine, Barn Owl.
I wasn't very happy today. I had to take my daughter back to University at Falmouth in Cornwall. I'd got used to having her around home again and brightening up the place even more! I dropped Julia off at work, then picked up my mate Tom and returned home. Eventually Rebecca was ready to leave. The 3 of us drove down to Falmouth, seeing a Raven near Okehampton, the only notable bird sighting on the journey down. It was cloudy and breezy, but at least it stayed dry. I pulled the car over at Fraddon for a much-wanted cup of coffee, then carried on to Penryn. We all unpacked Rebecca's kit into her flat and I made the usual sad goodbyes'. Always one to look on the cheerful side of life, I then put myself into full birding mode!
With the wind picking up somewhat, we drove on to Helston, where we stopped by the boating lake. There were the usual bread-throwing members of the public there, and of course, the wildfowl and gulls were going mad, fighting over that next juicy crust! Coot, Tufted Ducks and Mallard were in turmoil, and clusters of noisy gulls fought each other for food. Amongst this mad throng, we picked out a first-winter Ring-billed Gull, my first for a couple of years or so. Eventually the bread-throwers disappeared and things settled down. This resulted in the Ring-billed loitering on the path by the side of the lake. This gave super views and was a new bird for Tom. Next, we made the short hop over to the delights of the local sewage works! A few Chiffchaffs were foraging around in the bottom of the perimeter hedge, along with some tits, including several Long-tailed. A 'Siberian' Chiffchaff was glimpsed between the settling beds and the perimeter fence, but with the high wind, most of the Chiffs' were keeping low down. Whether this form of Chiffchaff will ever officially gain full-species status, is debatable! However, I seem to see this form on a fairly regular basis nowadays. It is quite distinctive, and has a different call to Common Chiffchaff.
With time ticking on, we decided to make our way to the Zennor area, to try and see our main target of the day. We found a convenient pull-in, hastily consumed some food (I was starving by then!), donned our birding gear and trudged up towards Sperris Quoit, the spot where the Snowy Owl has been seen most regularly. Regrettably, someone forgot to tell the owl to put in an appearance today, and we spent a fruitless time trudging over the moorland. No doubt, it will be seen again tomorrow! Luckily I had seen this species before, albeit 29 years ago, but it would have been a lifer for Tom. A Buzzard was seen sat on a rock, and 5 Common Snipe flew past, but that was it. Several other birders were also wandering aimlessly around, all to no avail. With the afternoon ticking on, we decided to cut our losses and head down to Marazion. We took the road over Trewey Common, where I spotted a female Merlin, which eventually settled on a fencepost. We arrived at Marazion, but the gale had got worse, and combined with the high tide, sent plumes of salt-spray over the seawall. There were loads of gulls feeding on the beach edge, picking up all those morsels pounded on to the beach by the weather. Lots of Sanderling were running around, doing the same. A quick look at the marsh produced nothing of note, but a distant Peregrine. With the conditions more suited to windfarming, we called it a day, and headed back up the A30.
With the light rapidly fading, I spotted a Barn Owl quartering the roadside fields at Zelah. I pulled over on to the grass verge as soon as I could, but Tom didn't get on to the bird, which was rather a pity. We then trundled back along the A30 to Exeter, and finally down the A376 to home.
Yearticks in order today: Tufted Duck, Ring-billed Gull, Siberian Chiffchaff, Merlin, Peregrine, Barn Owl.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Saturday 10th January 2009
Sea Duck
In my quest to make sure I see at least one year tick every day for as long as possible, I wandered up the road to Knappe Cross this morning. Having seen the first-winter male Blackcap again from my kitchen window earlier, I carried on up to Dinan Way, crossed the busy road, and strolled quietly up Gorse Lane to the top. I then retraced my steps. I heard the usual Nuthatch at Knappe Cross and saw a splendid male Bullfinch in Gorse Lane. On arrival back at Knappe Cross I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker in flight, then on cue, I watched a Treecreeper spiralling up a large oak tree right outside the community centre, my wished-for year tick!
This afternoon I had to take my wife and daughter over to Budleigh Salterton. I made a point of heading for the River Otter mouth, and scanned the sea. 15 Common Scoter and the female Eider were still present, just offshore. 5 Razorbill flew west. However, again there was absolutely no sign of the Long-tailed Duck. With the wind blowing straight in off the sea, it was deathly cold and my eyes were watering very badly. I thought 'Blow this, I'm going back into town and meet my wife' (always a good option!). However, I had to park up the road near the Steamer Steps, so I decided one last look at the sea wouldn't go amiss. By this time I had warmed up a little in the car! I sat on a convenient bench and scanned the sea several times. A further 3 Razorbill were seen sat on the sea but that was about it. Right, time to go. One last look along to the east...........hell, what's that? A seaduck flying along just offshore towards me. As it got closer, I thought 'No, it can't be?'. But it was! Yes, the female Long-tailed Duck flew westwards and made yours truly a very happy bunny by plonking down on the sea, just a hundred metres west off the Steamer Steps. She dived a couple of times, surfacing a good distance from where she'd originally dived. Thanking Lady Luck, I quit my cold perch and wandered into town to find my wife and daughter.
Yearticks in order of appearance: Treecreeper, Razorbill, Long-tailed Duck.
In my quest to make sure I see at least one year tick every day for as long as possible, I wandered up the road to Knappe Cross this morning. Having seen the first-winter male Blackcap again from my kitchen window earlier, I carried on up to Dinan Way, crossed the busy road, and strolled quietly up Gorse Lane to the top. I then retraced my steps. I heard the usual Nuthatch at Knappe Cross and saw a splendid male Bullfinch in Gorse Lane. On arrival back at Knappe Cross I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker in flight, then on cue, I watched a Treecreeper spiralling up a large oak tree right outside the community centre, my wished-for year tick!
This afternoon I had to take my wife and daughter over to Budleigh Salterton. I made a point of heading for the River Otter mouth, and scanned the sea. 15 Common Scoter and the female Eider were still present, just offshore. 5 Razorbill flew west. However, again there was absolutely no sign of the Long-tailed Duck. With the wind blowing straight in off the sea, it was deathly cold and my eyes were watering very badly. I thought 'Blow this, I'm going back into town and meet my wife' (always a good option!). However, I had to park up the road near the Steamer Steps, so I decided one last look at the sea wouldn't go amiss. By this time I had warmed up a little in the car! I sat on a convenient bench and scanned the sea several times. A further 3 Razorbill were seen sat on the sea but that was about it. Right, time to go. One last look along to the east...........hell, what's that? A seaduck flying along just offshore towards me. As it got closer, I thought 'No, it can't be?'. But it was! Yes, the female Long-tailed Duck flew westwards and made yours truly a very happy bunny by plonking down on the sea, just a hundred metres west off the Steamer Steps. She dived a couple of times, surfacing a good distance from where she'd originally dived. Thanking Lady Luck, I quit my cold perch and wandered into town to find my wife and daughter.
Yearticks in order of appearance: Treecreeper, Razorbill, Long-tailed Duck.
Monday, 12 January 2009
Friday 9th January 2009
Dawlish Warren
Today I paid an early afternoon trip to Dawlish Warren. There was a cold south-easterly breeze blowing and it was mainly sunny, although there was more cloud building up the longer I stayed there. A scoter was seen offshore, but was constantly diving, and due to distance was unidentifiable. I met Exeter birder Dave Hopkins there who had just seen 2 scoter together close in to Langstone Rock. After a bit of a natter, I wandered off towards the rock. Every so often I would stop and peruse the sea. This eventually paid off with views of a Great Northern Diver flying east past the rock. I located the 2 scoter, feeding and diving together. One was the long-staying female Surf Scoter - the other was a male Velvet Scoter! After a good grilling of the 2 scoter, I ambled back into the teeth of the cold wind back towards the warren. I met Dave again, and also Topsham birder Dave Stone. We discussed the 3 scoter, and after much viewing and discussion came to the (rather obvious as it happened) decision that the first scoter I had seen was a female Common! So, there were only 3 scoter off the warren, and each one was a different species! I leaned on the seawall, while the 2 Daves departed in different directions. I soon found a Slavonian Grebe riding the waves looking towards Exmouth. 5 gannets were seen distantly offshore.
Fed up with looking into the cold wind and my eyes watering, I exited the warren, and driving back up the road towards Cockwood, decided to stop by the railway line adjacent to 'Cockwood Wreck'. Here you require nerves of steel, and here I met Dave Hopkins again! You have to cross the busy London-Penzance railway line, and stand on the wooden platform right on the side of the track, with trains thundering past just a couple of feet away!! A good constitution and brown trousers are always a plus here. We scanned the dropping tide on the estuary and although we searched diligently, the best bird we could find was a Greenshank. 'I'm off up to Kenton to look for Brambling' says Dave. I says ' Think I'll tag along if that's OK'. So we nips up to Chiverstone Farm near Kenton and amble down the lane towards the farm. 4 Red-legged Partridge flew up from the field adjacent to our cars. A little further on and we spot a large finch flock. On closer inspection, we reckon about 200 Chaffinches and at least 15 Brambling make up this flock! Dave then headed off towards Exminster Marshes and I left for home.
Yearticks today in order of appearance:
Great Northern Diver, Velvet Scoter, Slavonian Grebe, Brambling.
Today I paid an early afternoon trip to Dawlish Warren. There was a cold south-easterly breeze blowing and it was mainly sunny, although there was more cloud building up the longer I stayed there. A scoter was seen offshore, but was constantly diving, and due to distance was unidentifiable. I met Exeter birder Dave Hopkins there who had just seen 2 scoter together close in to Langstone Rock. After a bit of a natter, I wandered off towards the rock. Every so often I would stop and peruse the sea. This eventually paid off with views of a Great Northern Diver flying east past the rock. I located the 2 scoter, feeding and diving together. One was the long-staying female Surf Scoter - the other was a male Velvet Scoter! After a good grilling of the 2 scoter, I ambled back into the teeth of the cold wind back towards the warren. I met Dave again, and also Topsham birder Dave Stone. We discussed the 3 scoter, and after much viewing and discussion came to the (rather obvious as it happened) decision that the first scoter I had seen was a female Common! So, there were only 3 scoter off the warren, and each one was a different species! I leaned on the seawall, while the 2 Daves departed in different directions. I soon found a Slavonian Grebe riding the waves looking towards Exmouth. 5 gannets were seen distantly offshore.
Fed up with looking into the cold wind and my eyes watering, I exited the warren, and driving back up the road towards Cockwood, decided to stop by the railway line adjacent to 'Cockwood Wreck'. Here you require nerves of steel, and here I met Dave Hopkins again! You have to cross the busy London-Penzance railway line, and stand on the wooden platform right on the side of the track, with trains thundering past just a couple of feet away!! A good constitution and brown trousers are always a plus here. We scanned the dropping tide on the estuary and although we searched diligently, the best bird we could find was a Greenshank. 'I'm off up to Kenton to look for Brambling' says Dave. I says ' Think I'll tag along if that's OK'. So we nips up to Chiverstone Farm near Kenton and amble down the lane towards the farm. 4 Red-legged Partridge flew up from the field adjacent to our cars. A little further on and we spot a large finch flock. On closer inspection, we reckon about 200 Chaffinches and at least 15 Brambling make up this flock! Dave then headed off towards Exminster Marshes and I left for home.
Yearticks today in order of appearance:
Great Northern Diver, Velvet Scoter, Slavonian Grebe, Brambling.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Thursday 8th January 2009
Cattle Egret
At lunchtime today, I nipped round to Exminster Marshes, and wandered along the new trail behind the Swans Nest pub. It was overcast, dull and coldish with a slight north-easterly breeze, with some of the ice now thawing out a bit. My mission was to try and see the Cattle Egrets that were reported from the viewing platform at the end of the trail yesterday. I eventually reached the spot, having to follow several kinks in the trail which seemed to be manufactured to take you the longest possible way round the edge of each field across Powderham Marshes (ie. 3 sides of each one!). As there was practically no birdlife to be seen, I failed to see the point of this. My highlights were a few Mute Swans and a couple of Curlews. Why they should be called Powderham Marshes is also a big puzzle as they are nowhere near Powderham! In fact they are closer to Exminster than anywhere. Oh well! On reaching the platform, I scanned the whole area and saw.........nothing! Feeling somewhat cheated (I had trudged out 1200m to view this after all!), I scoped back towards the lagoon and the end of Swans Nest Lane before leaving. It was then that I spotted this white speck sat on a fence the other side of the lagoon. On focusing my scope and my eye as well as I could, I definitely knew it was a small, white egret. The longer I looked at it, the more I thought it was one of the Cattle Egrets. Not wishing to yeartick such distant views, I trudged back to the car and drove down to the end of Swans Nest Lane, turned the car round and pulled up in the pull-in by the scrapes at the end. There, in all its glory was the Cattle Egret sat on the fence. Just to make sure it was going to be yearticked, it conveniently flew up and landed a lot closer to me! It received rather an unpleasant welcome from 3 Grey Herons, but stood its ground. With there being no other birds around to be seen, and no sign of the reported second bird, I drove off, had a brief fruitless look out over the Exe estuary from Exton station and returned to work.
Later this afternoon, with the last vestiges of light fading, I paid a brief visit to Orcombe Point in Exmouth. There was nothing to be seen of note, apart from my first Gannet of the year, an adult.
At lunchtime today, I nipped round to Exminster Marshes, and wandered along the new trail behind the Swans Nest pub. It was overcast, dull and coldish with a slight north-easterly breeze, with some of the ice now thawing out a bit. My mission was to try and see the Cattle Egrets that were reported from the viewing platform at the end of the trail yesterday. I eventually reached the spot, having to follow several kinks in the trail which seemed to be manufactured to take you the longest possible way round the edge of each field across Powderham Marshes (ie. 3 sides of each one!). As there was practically no birdlife to be seen, I failed to see the point of this. My highlights were a few Mute Swans and a couple of Curlews. Why they should be called Powderham Marshes is also a big puzzle as they are nowhere near Powderham! In fact they are closer to Exminster than anywhere. Oh well! On reaching the platform, I scanned the whole area and saw.........nothing! Feeling somewhat cheated (I had trudged out 1200m to view this after all!), I scoped back towards the lagoon and the end of Swans Nest Lane before leaving. It was then that I spotted this white speck sat on a fence the other side of the lagoon. On focusing my scope and my eye as well as I could, I definitely knew it was a small, white egret. The longer I looked at it, the more I thought it was one of the Cattle Egrets. Not wishing to yeartick such distant views, I trudged back to the car and drove down to the end of Swans Nest Lane, turned the car round and pulled up in the pull-in by the scrapes at the end. There, in all its glory was the Cattle Egret sat on the fence. Just to make sure it was going to be yearticked, it conveniently flew up and landed a lot closer to me! It received rather an unpleasant welcome from 3 Grey Herons, but stood its ground. With there being no other birds around to be seen, and no sign of the reported second bird, I drove off, had a brief fruitless look out over the Exe estuary from Exton station and returned to work.
Later this afternoon, with the last vestiges of light fading, I paid a brief visit to Orcombe Point in Exmouth. There was nothing to be seen of note, apart from my first Gannet of the year, an adult.
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Wednesday 7th January 2009
Even Colder!
It was even colder today - large amounts of the slow-moving rivers around the area had frozen over and waders were forced to forage for food in fields. It was grey and overcast with an easterly breeze blowing just to add to the general gloom. I popped up to Trews Weir in Exeter at lunchtime. Several Mallard and Teal were frequenting the river below the weir, which was unfrozen due to the rapid movement of water. Crossing the suspension bridge to the west side, I noted several Common Redshank looking for food. A drake Shoveler was bombing around. Walking alongside the ditches which were ice-free in parts, revealed c. 20 Common Snipe and another yeartick in the form of a Jack Snipe. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew from a nearby tree. I met Exeter birder Brian Heasman who kindly told me about another yeartick downstream. I drove down to Countess Wear and parked near the swing bridge. A few paces up on to the roadbridge, and I was watching a couple of 'brownhead' Goosanders on the river. On the way back to work, I stopped briefly at Topsham recreation ground where a Common Sandpiper was foraging around some debris on the riverbank top for food.
A late afternoon visit to the Shelly Beach area of Exmouth produced 2 Pale-bellied Brent Goose, a Bar-tailed Godwit (the latter being a local patch yeartick), several Red-breasted Mergansers, a few Grey Plover, a good number of Knot (105 to be precise!) and 20 Sanderlings. The female Black Redstart was seen again around the appartment blocks.
Yearticks today in order of appearance:
Jack Snipe, Goosander, Common Sandpiper, Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Sanderling & Knot.
The Common Sandpiper was my 100th species this year!
It was even colder today - large amounts of the slow-moving rivers around the area had frozen over and waders were forced to forage for food in fields. It was grey and overcast with an easterly breeze blowing just to add to the general gloom. I popped up to Trews Weir in Exeter at lunchtime. Several Mallard and Teal were frequenting the river below the weir, which was unfrozen due to the rapid movement of water. Crossing the suspension bridge to the west side, I noted several Common Redshank looking for food. A drake Shoveler was bombing around. Walking alongside the ditches which were ice-free in parts, revealed c. 20 Common Snipe and another yeartick in the form of a Jack Snipe. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew from a nearby tree. I met Exeter birder Brian Heasman who kindly told me about another yeartick downstream. I drove down to Countess Wear and parked near the swing bridge. A few paces up on to the roadbridge, and I was watching a couple of 'brownhead' Goosanders on the river. On the way back to work, I stopped briefly at Topsham recreation ground where a Common Sandpiper was foraging around some debris on the riverbank top for food.
A late afternoon visit to the Shelly Beach area of Exmouth produced 2 Pale-bellied Brent Goose, a Bar-tailed Godwit (the latter being a local patch yeartick), several Red-breasted Mergansers, a few Grey Plover, a good number of Knot (105 to be precise!) and 20 Sanderlings. The female Black Redstart was seen again around the appartment blocks.
Yearticks today in order of appearance:
Jack Snipe, Goosander, Common Sandpiper, Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Sanderling & Knot.
The Common Sandpiper was my 100th species this year!
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Tuesday 6th January 2009
Still freezing!
Another bitter cold day, with a biting cold easterly breeze. At lunchtime, I popped down to Budleigh Salterton, as a few seaduck had been reported off the mouth of the River Otter. I parked on the seafront, and wandered up to the war memorial to gain some height advantage. I scanned through my 'scope and soon found a raft of c.50 Common Scoter bobbing about on the waves. I could find no sign of any Long-tailed Ducks, one of which had been reported yesterday. A distant diver sp. flew west, probably a Red-throated but I could not be sure. Scanning closer in and getting colder by the minute, I found a Great Crested Grebe. Shortly afterwards I moved my attention to the sea right at the river's exit. Here was a female Eider, showing very well. By now I was chilled to the marrow, and worse still my eyes were beginning to water badly. I strode down to Lime Kilns car park, and walked briskly up the Otter estuary to the first viewing -platform. There were several Common Snipe feeding on the cricket pitch, and a couple of Dunlin. 4 Common Redshank were seen on the estuary, together with a further 2 Dunlin. The next field up produced a Black-tailed Godwit and a Curlew. There were plenty of gulls on the estuary, but nothing unusual.
Warmed up a little from my fast walking, I decided to brave the exposed seafront again. I wandered back along the main path and stopped in the white-painted shelter. This time a 'scope scan found 3 Red-throated Divers flying west together. After noting a Common Chiffchaff briefly by the toilet block, I realised that I had better 'pay a visit' myself. Bleddy cold weather! Ambling back to the car, I saw 4 Ringed Plover on the beach, and a pair of Buzzard were flying together over the seafront itself.
After work, I visited Hayes Barton and Yettington to search the fields before the light faded completely. I eventually came across a covey of 5 Red-legged Partridges on the eastern outskirts of the last-named location.
Yearticks today in order of appearance:
Common Scoter, Great Crested Grebe, Eider, Red-throated Diver, Common Chiffchaff & Red-legged Partridge.
Needless to say, Exeter City's game this evening was called off due to the still-frozen pitch!
Another bitter cold day, with a biting cold easterly breeze. At lunchtime, I popped down to Budleigh Salterton, as a few seaduck had been reported off the mouth of the River Otter. I parked on the seafront, and wandered up to the war memorial to gain some height advantage. I scanned through my 'scope and soon found a raft of c.50 Common Scoter bobbing about on the waves. I could find no sign of any Long-tailed Ducks, one of which had been reported yesterday. A distant diver sp. flew west, probably a Red-throated but I could not be sure. Scanning closer in and getting colder by the minute, I found a Great Crested Grebe. Shortly afterwards I moved my attention to the sea right at the river's exit. Here was a female Eider, showing very well. By now I was chilled to the marrow, and worse still my eyes were beginning to water badly. I strode down to Lime Kilns car park, and walked briskly up the Otter estuary to the first viewing -platform. There were several Common Snipe feeding on the cricket pitch, and a couple of Dunlin. 4 Common Redshank were seen on the estuary, together with a further 2 Dunlin. The next field up produced a Black-tailed Godwit and a Curlew. There were plenty of gulls on the estuary, but nothing unusual.
Warmed up a little from my fast walking, I decided to brave the exposed seafront again. I wandered back along the main path and stopped in the white-painted shelter. This time a 'scope scan found 3 Red-throated Divers flying west together. After noting a Common Chiffchaff briefly by the toilet block, I realised that I had better 'pay a visit' myself. Bleddy cold weather! Ambling back to the car, I saw 4 Ringed Plover on the beach, and a pair of Buzzard were flying together over the seafront itself.
After work, I visited Hayes Barton and Yettington to search the fields before the light faded completely. I eventually came across a covey of 5 Red-legged Partridges on the eastern outskirts of the last-named location.
Yearticks today in order of appearance:
Common Scoter, Great Crested Grebe, Eider, Red-throated Diver, Common Chiffchaff & Red-legged Partridge.
Needless to say, Exeter City's game this evening was called off due to the still-frozen pitch!
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Monday 5th January 2009
Back to Work
Yes, after two enforced weeks off from work (our place operates a bit like a college), it was back to reality today. It is still bitter cold out. Work yes, but the birding (or should I say yearlisting) didn't stop. Lunchtime saw me at the top of Deepway Lane in Exminster village, where I trudged round the setaside fields for ages looking for the reported Woodlarks. Cor blimey, it was cold! The cold breeze seemed to cut through you like a knife. Luckily there were a few common birds providing yearticks for yours truly to take my mind off the weather. A pair of Stonechats were probably the most noteworthy, but a dash-past male Sparrowhawk was an exhilarating sight. After seeing only 3 Skylarks and NO Woodlarks I gave up and returned to the car. I coasted down Deepway Lane, but stopped at all the gateways to check the fields on the way down. At the second gate, I had just extricated myself from the old Nissan, when some familiar flutey calls made me look up. Yes, Woodlarks! They flew low over the lane (and my head) and dropped into the field adjacent to the gateway, where I was able to get a better look at them. Phew!
After work, I again made the most of the extending minutes of daylight and wandered briefly round Bystock reserve on the edge of Exmouth's northern fringe. Luckily, I saw a drake Common Teal there (a bird I didn't see within the parish boundary last year!) and another yeartick in the form of an explosively vocal Marsh Tit.
Today's yearticks were in order of appearance:
Stonechat, Reed Bunting, Linnet, Skylark, Sparrowhawk, Raven, Woodlark and Marsh Tit.
Yes, after two enforced weeks off from work (our place operates a bit like a college), it was back to reality today. It is still bitter cold out. Work yes, but the birding (or should I say yearlisting) didn't stop. Lunchtime saw me at the top of Deepway Lane in Exminster village, where I trudged round the setaside fields for ages looking for the reported Woodlarks. Cor blimey, it was cold! The cold breeze seemed to cut through you like a knife. Luckily there were a few common birds providing yearticks for yours truly to take my mind off the weather. A pair of Stonechats were probably the most noteworthy, but a dash-past male Sparrowhawk was an exhilarating sight. After seeing only 3 Skylarks and NO Woodlarks I gave up and returned to the car. I coasted down Deepway Lane, but stopped at all the gateways to check the fields on the way down. At the second gate, I had just extricated myself from the old Nissan, when some familiar flutey calls made me look up. Yes, Woodlarks! They flew low over the lane (and my head) and dropped into the field adjacent to the gateway, where I was able to get a better look at them. Phew!
After work, I again made the most of the extending minutes of daylight and wandered briefly round Bystock reserve on the edge of Exmouth's northern fringe. Luckily, I saw a drake Common Teal there (a bird I didn't see within the parish boundary last year!) and another yeartick in the form of an explosively vocal Marsh Tit.
Today's yearticks were in order of appearance:
Stonechat, Reed Bunting, Linnet, Skylark, Sparrowhawk, Raven, Woodlark and Marsh Tit.
Sunday 4th January 2009
What Waxwings?
Firstly, the adult male Blackcap showed well again out the back of our house, just before 10am. Following a report of an alledged 6 Waxwings at Ide yesterday, Julia and I decided we would combine a trip to the garden centre at Cowley near Exeter with a bit of birding. We covered the area in and around Ide to start with, we couldn't even find a berry bush, yet alone a Waxwing! Just north-west of Ide we located a yeartick - Pheasant. In fact there were several in the area. Waxwingless, we headed on to Dunchideock, where we enjoyed good 'scope views of the resident Little Owl, opposite the village hall, another good yeartick. We pulled over for our picnic lunch on the edge of Ide again, taken in the car due to the freezing conditions outside! Whilst eating lunch, the birds came to us. A Grey Heron flew up from a weedy field. Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed themselves in trees around the car, and a Bullfinch provided another yeartick. A couple of Buzzards were seen very close, from the car.
We then trundled over to Bernaville Nurseries at Cowley and warmed up a bit. Later we headed towards home, but decided to stop at Topsham. We headed down to the antiques centre on the quay, where Mrs Smith headed inside, whilst I spent a very cold half hour watching the gulls flying down river to roost. Little Egret, Grey Heron, Avocet and Wigeon were present, and after checking through about 750 fly-past gulls, I spotted my first Lesser Black-backed Gull of 2009, an adult. After that I soon took shelter in the Antiques Centre!
Firstly, the adult male Blackcap showed well again out the back of our house, just before 10am. Following a report of an alledged 6 Waxwings at Ide yesterday, Julia and I decided we would combine a trip to the garden centre at Cowley near Exeter with a bit of birding. We covered the area in and around Ide to start with, we couldn't even find a berry bush, yet alone a Waxwing! Just north-west of Ide we located a yeartick - Pheasant. In fact there were several in the area. Waxwingless, we headed on to Dunchideock, where we enjoyed good 'scope views of the resident Little Owl, opposite the village hall, another good yeartick. We pulled over for our picnic lunch on the edge of Ide again, taken in the car due to the freezing conditions outside! Whilst eating lunch, the birds came to us. A Grey Heron flew up from a weedy field. Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed themselves in trees around the car, and a Bullfinch provided another yeartick. A couple of Buzzards were seen very close, from the car.
We then trundled over to Bernaville Nurseries at Cowley and warmed up a bit. Later we headed towards home, but decided to stop at Topsham. We headed down to the antiques centre on the quay, where Mrs Smith headed inside, whilst I spent a very cold half hour watching the gulls flying down river to roost. Little Egret, Grey Heron, Avocet and Wigeon were present, and after checking through about 750 fly-past gulls, I spotted my first Lesser Black-backed Gull of 2009, an adult. After that I soon took shelter in the Antiques Centre!
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Saturday 3rd January 2009
A Quick Look
Another cold day, but sunny here in Exmouth. However there seemed to be a fog bank out at sea and in Torbay. Not much time for birding today, as I was going to watch my beloved Exeter City FC this afternoon - more on that later! The adult male Blackcap put in an appearance out the back of our home again. I had to run an errand in town this morning so I drove down with my wife and son. Now, in January I always try to get at least one yeartick a day. It keeps the list going and the interest up! I thought a quick 20 minute look at the seafront might provide the yeartick. However, we hadn't even reached town, when on travelling down Hulham Road, I spotted a small group of Redwings flying over! Yes, they were conveniently a yeartick that I hadn't connected with yet. I eventually pulled up on the seafront anyway, and although the tide was in, there seemed to be very few birds actually "out there". A couple of Red-breasted Mergansers posed as 'grebes' for a while, but when turning side-on instead of showing me their 'bums', they were caught out! I was scanning with my 'scope when I realised that I was looking distantly at the long-staying female Surf Scoter! This species although rare, has turned up in our area now for some years running. Today it provided me with the rarest yeartick I've had so far.
OK, on to the footie, or should I say, the lack of it. I drove in to Exeter with my son and his girlfriend, extricated myself from the car, only to told by a passing fan that the game had been called off due to an icy pitch! This is something that very rarely happens down here in mild old Devon. We are supposed to be playing a home game again on Tuesday night, but I reckon that could be in doubt too, looking at the projected weather forecast!
Another cold day, but sunny here in Exmouth. However there seemed to be a fog bank out at sea and in Torbay. Not much time for birding today, as I was going to watch my beloved Exeter City FC this afternoon - more on that later! The adult male Blackcap put in an appearance out the back of our home again. I had to run an errand in town this morning so I drove down with my wife and son. Now, in January I always try to get at least one yeartick a day. It keeps the list going and the interest up! I thought a quick 20 minute look at the seafront might provide the yeartick. However, we hadn't even reached town, when on travelling down Hulham Road, I spotted a small group of Redwings flying over! Yes, they were conveniently a yeartick that I hadn't connected with yet. I eventually pulled up on the seafront anyway, and although the tide was in, there seemed to be very few birds actually "out there". A couple of Red-breasted Mergansers posed as 'grebes' for a while, but when turning side-on instead of showing me their 'bums', they were caught out! I was scanning with my 'scope when I realised that I was looking distantly at the long-staying female Surf Scoter! This species although rare, has turned up in our area now for some years running. Today it provided me with the rarest yeartick I've had so far.
OK, on to the footie, or should I say, the lack of it. I drove in to Exeter with my son and his girlfriend, extricated myself from the car, only to told by a passing fan that the game had been called off due to an icy pitch! This is something that very rarely happens down here in mild old Devon. We are supposed to be playing a home game again on Tuesday night, but I reckon that could be in doubt too, looking at the projected weather forecast!
Monday, 5 January 2009
Friday 2nd January 2009
More Laidback Yearlisting!
This morning I dropped my wife off at work, returned home, had a leisurely breakfast, then nipped down to Shelly beach in Exmouth. It was sunny but there was a cold north-east wind. I had the Red-necked Grebe again, fairly close in, and managed to put local Exeter birder Dave Stone on to the bird. A Rook flew over providing ME with a yeartick! I then hunted for the female Black Redstart around the gaudy new appartment blocks. Grovelling around in a tiny area of sparse bushes was my first Song Thrush of the year. I met Doug Cullen from Otterton, who had also come over for the grebe. After a while, I decided to wander off round to the seafront. I was ambling along the path by the seawall, when a wet, bedraggled little bird hopped on to the seawall just by my elbow! The female Black Redstart! She had obviously decided that all those hordes of people out for Christmas/New Year strolls around HER Shelly beach was too much. She had been out on the rocks at the west end of Exmouth seafront and had endured a little saltspray in the process! Well Miss Black Redstart saw me and promptly dived into the gardens of the flats on the seafront that are Moreton Crescent. If you know me then you will sympathise with her actions. A quick look late morning at Mudbank Lane yielded the Spotted Redshank, another bird I had missed yesterday.
This afternoon, after a quick snack and picking up Mrs Smith from work, I drove my wife, my son and his girlfriend in to Exeter to go sales shopping. Me - I headed in the opposite direction towards good birding areas! I visited Matford Pools, which luckily were only partially iced over. Here I added another half dozen yearticks before I moved round the corner to Countess Wear and the Riverside Country Park, alongside the Exeter Canal. Best bird here was a Water Rail. Finally I turned up at Bowling Green Marsh, Topsham, where I knew I could get a few more yearticks. The tide was out, so not a good time to visit, but I got a few more birds here and there, by also looking over the Clyst Estuary from the viewing platform.
Here are the birds I saw today that were new for 2009 in order:
Rook, Song Thrush, Black Redstart, Turnstone, Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Kestrel, Buzzard, Teal, Stock Dove, Shoveler, Common Snipe, Coot, Fieldfare, Water Rail, Canada Goose, Lapwing, Moorhen, Jay, Pochard, Little Grebe, Avocet, Meadow Pipit, Bar-tailed Godwit, Golden Plover and Greylag Goose.
This morning I dropped my wife off at work, returned home, had a leisurely breakfast, then nipped down to Shelly beach in Exmouth. It was sunny but there was a cold north-east wind. I had the Red-necked Grebe again, fairly close in, and managed to put local Exeter birder Dave Stone on to the bird. A Rook flew over providing ME with a yeartick! I then hunted for the female Black Redstart around the gaudy new appartment blocks. Grovelling around in a tiny area of sparse bushes was my first Song Thrush of the year. I met Doug Cullen from Otterton, who had also come over for the grebe. After a while, I decided to wander off round to the seafront. I was ambling along the path by the seawall, when a wet, bedraggled little bird hopped on to the seawall just by my elbow! The female Black Redstart! She had obviously decided that all those hordes of people out for Christmas/New Year strolls around HER Shelly beach was too much. She had been out on the rocks at the west end of Exmouth seafront and had endured a little saltspray in the process! Well Miss Black Redstart saw me and promptly dived into the gardens of the flats on the seafront that are Moreton Crescent. If you know me then you will sympathise with her actions. A quick look late morning at Mudbank Lane yielded the Spotted Redshank, another bird I had missed yesterday.
This afternoon, after a quick snack and picking up Mrs Smith from work, I drove my wife, my son and his girlfriend in to Exeter to go sales shopping. Me - I headed in the opposite direction towards good birding areas! I visited Matford Pools, which luckily were only partially iced over. Here I added another half dozen yearticks before I moved round the corner to Countess Wear and the Riverside Country Park, alongside the Exeter Canal. Best bird here was a Water Rail. Finally I turned up at Bowling Green Marsh, Topsham, where I knew I could get a few more yearticks. The tide was out, so not a good time to visit, but I got a few more birds here and there, by also looking over the Clyst Estuary from the viewing platform.
Here are the birds I saw today that were new for 2009 in order:
Rook, Song Thrush, Black Redstart, Turnstone, Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Kestrel, Buzzard, Teal, Stock Dove, Shoveler, Common Snipe, Coot, Fieldfare, Water Rail, Canada Goose, Lapwing, Moorhen, Jay, Pochard, Little Grebe, Avocet, Meadow Pipit, Bar-tailed Godwit, Golden Plover and Greylag Goose.
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Thursday 1st January 2009
Yearlisting at snail pace!
Gone are the days when I used to get up long before first light and arrive at some far-flung spot just to start my new yearlist with a bang. Years ago, it was the normal practise for me to go to bed early on New Year's Eve, ready to spring out of bed at some ungodly hour, to start yearlisting at a torturous pace. Previous New Year's Day listing has produced such gems as Little Bustard (was it really 21 years ago!), Red-breasted Goose (even further back in time!), Bufflehead and Dusky Warbler (both seen at first light in Devon!). Several January 1st's have seen me crack at least 90 species on that day alone! This morning, following a leisurely breakfast in bed, I finally emerged from my cocoon at 1100hrs, having got to bed about 20 to 2 earlier.
I spent most of my undressed hours peering somewhat hazily out of the windows, adding a few first yearticks to my notepad! First bird of the year was a Starling! This was closely followed by Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blackbird, Chaffinch and Goldcrest in that order. Before managing to find my clothes, I had cracking views of a first-winter male Blackcap out the back of my house. Eventually I wandered up the road and found myself up at Knappe Cross, this area producing a few Long-tailed Tits, and a Nuthatch. Further on, at Gorse Lane I saw another Blackcap, an adult male, and at the top of Marley Road, I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Arriving back at Knappe Cross, I had very close views of a Green Woodpecker. With dinner not being ready until 1pm, I drifted down to Mudbank Lane just as the tide was dropping. The highlight here was the usual Greenshank, and a cracking male Kingfisher, sat on the usual low wall exposed by the dropping tide. After a sumptious dinner of roast beef, I eventually found myself at Shelly Beach. Here, the Red-necked Grebe performed superbly again, in the channel, just off the beach at low tide.
So here in order of appearance were my yearticks for today:
Starling, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Blackcap, Wood Pigeon, Blue Tit, Nuthatch, Greenfinch, Robin, Long-tailed Tit, Wren, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Magpie, Coal Tit, Collared Dove, Green Woodpecker, Grey Heron, Shelduck, Wigeon, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Pintail, Mallard, Common Redshank, Common Gull, Pied Wagtail, Dunnock, House Sparrow, Kingfisher, Greenshank, Great Black-backed Gull, Rock Pipit, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Dark-bellied Brent Goose, Cormorant, Goldeneye, Grey Wagtail, Red-breasted Merganser, Mute Swan, Red-necked Grebe and Shag.
49 species in all.
Gone are the days when I used to get up long before first light and arrive at some far-flung spot just to start my new yearlist with a bang. Years ago, it was the normal practise for me to go to bed early on New Year's Eve, ready to spring out of bed at some ungodly hour, to start yearlisting at a torturous pace. Previous New Year's Day listing has produced such gems as Little Bustard (was it really 21 years ago!), Red-breasted Goose (even further back in time!), Bufflehead and Dusky Warbler (both seen at first light in Devon!). Several January 1st's have seen me crack at least 90 species on that day alone! This morning, following a leisurely breakfast in bed, I finally emerged from my cocoon at 1100hrs, having got to bed about 20 to 2 earlier.
I spent most of my undressed hours peering somewhat hazily out of the windows, adding a few first yearticks to my notepad! First bird of the year was a Starling! This was closely followed by Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blackbird, Chaffinch and Goldcrest in that order. Before managing to find my clothes, I had cracking views of a first-winter male Blackcap out the back of my house. Eventually I wandered up the road and found myself up at Knappe Cross, this area producing a few Long-tailed Tits, and a Nuthatch. Further on, at Gorse Lane I saw another Blackcap, an adult male, and at the top of Marley Road, I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Arriving back at Knappe Cross, I had very close views of a Green Woodpecker. With dinner not being ready until 1pm, I drifted down to Mudbank Lane just as the tide was dropping. The highlight here was the usual Greenshank, and a cracking male Kingfisher, sat on the usual low wall exposed by the dropping tide. After a sumptious dinner of roast beef, I eventually found myself at Shelly Beach. Here, the Red-necked Grebe performed superbly again, in the channel, just off the beach at low tide.
So here in order of appearance were my yearticks for today:
Starling, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Blackcap, Wood Pigeon, Blue Tit, Nuthatch, Greenfinch, Robin, Long-tailed Tit, Wren, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Magpie, Coal Tit, Collared Dove, Green Woodpecker, Grey Heron, Shelduck, Wigeon, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Pintail, Mallard, Common Redshank, Common Gull, Pied Wagtail, Dunnock, House Sparrow, Kingfisher, Greenshank, Great Black-backed Gull, Rock Pipit, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Dark-bellied Brent Goose, Cormorant, Goldeneye, Grey Wagtail, Red-breasted Merganser, Mute Swan, Red-necked Grebe and Shag.
49 species in all.
Wednesday 31st December 2008
End of the Year
Well 2008 turned out to be a good year for yours truly. I found 2 really good birds on my local patch here within the parish boundary of Exmouth, namely Stone Curlew and Rough-legged Buzzard. I had at least 4 World Lifers, Pacific Diver in Cornwall, and Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Crested Lark and Short-toed Treecreeper in northern France. I also had 2 pending lifers - Azorean Yellow-legged Gull (a possible future 'split') and Hooded Merganser (if it isn't wild, where the devil did it come from, given that it was in diabolical first-summer plumage when it arrived after late spring westerly gales and driving rain?). Other great birds this year included Devon's first King Eider, an obliging Little Crake at Exminster Marshes back in April, followed by an equally obliging American Golden Plover at the same location and the first 'mainland Devon' record of Semipalmated Sandpiper at Dawlish Warren! I certainly hope that 2009 is as good in birding terms.
Today I popped around a couple of Exmouth's birding hotspots. I visited Mudbank Lane late morning and was rewarded with the usual Greenshank and hosts of wildfowl and waders. A Grey Wagtail put in an appearance to add another splash of colour. I then zipped round to Shelly Beach and wandered round the area including the marina and the western end of the seafront. I was more than pleased to locate a Red-necked Grebe, just off Shelly Beach late afternoon. This was my second bird of this species I'd connected with this year - let's hope it's still there tomorrow! A couple of female Goldeneye were present in the same low-tide channel. Late evening saw me partaking of a few drinks to see in the New Year!
Happy New Year!
Well 2008 turned out to be a good year for yours truly. I found 2 really good birds on my local patch here within the parish boundary of Exmouth, namely Stone Curlew and Rough-legged Buzzard. I had at least 4 World Lifers, Pacific Diver in Cornwall, and Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Crested Lark and Short-toed Treecreeper in northern France. I also had 2 pending lifers - Azorean Yellow-legged Gull (a possible future 'split') and Hooded Merganser (if it isn't wild, where the devil did it come from, given that it was in diabolical first-summer plumage when it arrived after late spring westerly gales and driving rain?). Other great birds this year included Devon's first King Eider, an obliging Little Crake at Exminster Marshes back in April, followed by an equally obliging American Golden Plover at the same location and the first 'mainland Devon' record of Semipalmated Sandpiper at Dawlish Warren! I certainly hope that 2009 is as good in birding terms.
Today I popped around a couple of Exmouth's birding hotspots. I visited Mudbank Lane late morning and was rewarded with the usual Greenshank and hosts of wildfowl and waders. A Grey Wagtail put in an appearance to add another splash of colour. I then zipped round to Shelly Beach and wandered round the area including the marina and the western end of the seafront. I was more than pleased to locate a Red-necked Grebe, just off Shelly Beach late afternoon. This was my second bird of this species I'd connected with this year - let's hope it's still there tomorrow! A couple of female Goldeneye were present in the same low-tide channel. Late evening saw me partaking of a few drinks to see in the New Year!
Happy New Year!
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